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  1. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Regulation contains maximum allowed amounts of specified polluting substances in waste water discharged in water bodies and into the soil. Section 1 species rates of discharge for towns and other settlements and objects the average amount of which is more than 2000 cubic metres a day. Section 2 contains requirements regarding pollution for towns and other settlements and objects which discharge water in a rate between 200 and 2000 cubic metres a day. Also standards are given for smaller units.

  2. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Decree of the Ministry of Environment, inter alia, establishes procedures for the issuance of permits for the extraction and use groundwater, surface water and seawater. Environmental authorities shall take decisions regarding the issue of permits. Regardless who is the owner of the water body, a permit must be applied for if the amount extracted exceeds the levels indicated in section 3. The applicant must state in the application for a permit the information specified in section 4.

  3. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Annex to Regulation No. 45 of 1994 specifies maximum concentrations of allowed pollution. If such values are exceeded a pollution charge must be paid according to the volume of pollutants (crowns/tonnes). Substances include phosphorus, nitrogen, suspended solids, oil products, sulphates and phenols. If pollution exceeds the maximum amount allowed by permit the charges shall be multiplied by the factor five. If pollutants are discharged in places other than indicated in the permit the charges shall be multiplied by the factor ten.

  4. Library Resource
    Estonia, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Act provides for the procedures relative to the keeping of land registers. The text of the Act consists of 81 sections divided into 11 Chapters: General provisions (1); Content of land register (2); Register entries (3); Registration; (4); Division and merger of registered immovable properties (5); Correction of Register entries (6); Rewriting and rewording (7); Appeals and complaints (8); Closing register part (9); Access and extracts (10); Electronic Land Register (11); Implementation of Act (11). Land registries located in county and city courts shall maintain land registers (sect.

  5. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Cette loi porte réforme de la réglementation comptable et l'adaptation du régime de la publicité foncière. A cette fin, la loi modifie plusieurs articles du Code civil, notamment les articles 2148, 2134, 2152, 2201 et 2203-1. Elle modifie aussi certains articles du décret nº 55-22 portant réforme de la publicité foncière, et notamment les articles 9, 26, 33 et 34.

  6. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These rules amend the Land Registration Rules 1925 so as to - (a) implement the compulsory registration provisions of the Land Registration Act 1997 and the associated amendments to the Charities Act 1993; (b) make provision for new forms of application for first registration, caution against first registration and registration of dealings with whole, new forms of transfer, assent and discharge of whole, new forms of transfer and assent of a registered charge, and a new list of documents form, and make associated amendments to certain existing prescribed forms; (c) introduce common forms fo

  7. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Order consists of 83 articles which are divided into 4 Parts: Introductory (Part I) Waste on land (Part II) Contaminated land (Part III); General (Part IV), which are completed by 6 Schedules: Categories of waste; Appeals and decisions referred to the Planning Appeals Commission; Appeals under Article 17, 41 or 58; Appeals under Article 36 or 65; Decisions referred under Article 52; Objectives for the purposes of the waste strategy; Supplemental provisions with respect to powers of entry; Amendments; Repeals.

  8. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Rules apply to a local inquiry caused by the Secretary of State to be held for the purpose of any application referred to the Secretary of State or any appeal made to the Secretary of State under the Act, the Listed Buildings Act or the Hazardous Substances Act or any Regulations made thereunder.Rule 4 concerns preliminary information and notice. Rules 5 and 6 provide a statutory framework for the holding of pre-inquiry meeting.

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