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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These Regulations prescribe the form of notices to be used by tenants and landlords in connection with the enfranchisement and extension of long leaseholds under Part I of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967. Forms, which are substantially to the same effect as those prescribed, may also be used.

  2. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    They prescribe forms for the purposes of various provisions of Part I of the Housing Act 1988 relating to assured tenancies and assured agricultural occupancies: for a notice under section 6(2) proposing terms of a statutory periodic tenancy different from the implied terms (Form No.1); for an application under section 6(3) referring a notice under section 6(2) to a rent assessment committee (2); for a notice under section 8 informing a tenant or licensee that the landlord intends to begin proceedings for possession of a dwelling-house let on an assured tenancy or an assured agricultural oc

  3. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Ces arrêtés portent respectivement création d'un comité technique paritaire central au Conservatoire de l'espace littoral et des rivages lacustres et fixent les modalités de la consultation du personnel pour la désignation des représentants du personnel au comité.

  4. Library Resource

    An Act to amend the Land Registration Act 1925.

    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    The requirement of compulsory registration applies in relation to the dispositions of unregistered land as outlined in section 123 of the Land Registration Act 1925, here amended. A new section relative to effects of requirement to register is inserted. This section applies to any disposition which, by virtue of any provision of section 123 of this Act, is one in relation to which the requirement of compulsory registration applies. Remaining provisions amend provisions of the principal Act so as to provide for indemnities for errors and omissions in the Register and registration fees.

  5. Library Resource
    Italy, Europe, Southern Europe

    This Act regulates interventions in matter of soil and forest conservation and management for the following purposes: (a) improvement of productive and social potential of existing forests; (b) protection of the environment and hydrogeological resources; (c) promotion of agro-forestry and sylvo-pastoralism in mountain areas; (d) improvement of quality life of communities concerned.

  6. Library Resource
    Czech Republic, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The Preamble of this Act declares the purposes of the enactment of new provisions relating to the ownership of land to be: (a) to alleviate the consequences of some injuries suffered by the owners of agrarian and forest property in the period of 1948 to 1989; (b) to provide conditions for improvement in the care of farm and forest land through renewing the original relations of ownership of land; and (c) to create conditions in accordance with the need of economic development of rural regions and in accordance with requirements for landscape and environment conservation and management.The t

  7. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    The principal Regulations provide for payment of aid to farmers who undertake for five years to permit members of the public to have access to an area of set-aside land. They implement in part Council Directive (EC) No. 2078/92 on agricultural production methods compatible with the requirements for protection of the environment and maintenance of the countryside.

  8. Library Resource
    United Kingdom, Europe, Northern Europe

    These rules amend the Land Registration Rules 1925 so as to: (a) make provision for new forms of transfer, assent and discharge of part, new forms of transfer and assent of a registered charge affecting part of the land in a registered title and new forms of transfer for a portfolio of titles; (b) make provision for new forms of application to cancel notice of an unregistered lease or rentcharge, to register a caution against dealings with a registered title, to withdraw a caution and to place documents on deposit; (c) make associated amendments to certain existing prescribed forms.

  9. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Liberia, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Northern Europe, Western Africa

    No tribe or person established on one side of the boundary shall be allowed to hunt or farm on the lands of the other side; but such operations as the cutting of thatch or sticks for the building of huts and fishing in the streams adjacent to the boundary shall be permitted where such rights have hitherto existed: Provided that such permission shall not entitle any person to reap or get products of commercial value.

  10. Library Resource
    France, Europe, Western Europe

    Cette loi porte une série de dispositions relatives à l'aménagement et au développement du territoire. Elle a pour objet la mise en valeur et le développement équilibré du territoire de la République, afin d'assurer, à chaque citoyen, l'égalité des chances sur l'ensemble du territoire et de créer les conditions de leur égal accès au savoir.

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