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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    June, 2014

    This focus note presents key findings of
    a 2008 report on implementing Financial Action task Force
    (FATF) standards in developing countries The Financial
    Sector Reform and Strengthening(FIRST) Initiative funded a
    five-country study to analyze the effects of anti-money
    laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism
    (CFT) regulation on access to finance, especially in
    low-income populations. Standard AML and CFT measures

  2. Library Resource
    August, 2014
    North Macedonia

    The present study examines the
    challenges facing municipal governments in FYR Macedonia.
    The introductory chapter provides some further context for
    these developments, in terms of the challenges they pose
    for urban areas and their governments. Chapter Two examines
    issues for financial management of municipalities under the
    decentralized regime, and the attendant need for improving
    local government capacity. The third chapter highlights

  3. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    Sub-national Governments play an
    important role in the Romanian public sector. In 2009,
    sub-national spending was equivalent to 8.5 percent of gross
    domestic product (GDP). Romania has frequently adjusted its
    system for financing sub-national government over the last
    decade. These changes reflect ongoing Government concerns
    over the performance of local governments as well as
    attempts to increase the transparency and stability of the

  4. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    Moldova is one of the poorest countries
    in Europe. It is landlocked, bounded by Ukraine on the east
    and Romania on the west. Like many other former Soviet
    Republics, Moldova has experienced economic difficulties.
    Since its economy was highly dependent on the rest of the
    Soviet Union for energy and raw materials, the breakdown in
    trade following the breakup of the Soviet Union had severe
    impacts, exacerbated by drought and civil conflict. Moldova

  5. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    Albania is among the most vulnerable
    countries to external energy shocks and climatic conditions,
    because of its high dependency on hydropower for
    electricity. Given highly volatile international energy
    prices and expected global warming, it is becoming
    increasingly important to manage the demand for electricity.
    However, the country has long been faced with a significant
    problem of electricity metering. About one-third of total

  6. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    The contribution of return migrants to
    economic development in source countries can be significant.
    Overseas savings of returnees may lead to improvements in
    household welfare and provide liquidity for investments in
    the face of credit market failures. Labor market experience
    and skills acquired abroad may also lead migrants to find
    occupations higher in the skill and remuneration spectrum
    upon return. This study uses the 2005 Albanian Living

  7. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    May, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe, Eastern Europe

    This study reviews how the integration of environmental concerns into agriculture and forestry is progressing in the countries of Southeastern Europe (SEE) and of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA) since 2000 and assesses prospects for the future. The present report is a contribution to the environment for Europe process. At the Fifth Ministerial Conference in Kiev in 2003, participants decided to pay greater attention to the needs of the EECCA and adopted an environmental strategy for the sub-region.

  8. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    High credit growth in Emerging Europe,
    generally considered a sign of catching-up with the
    "old" Europe, has begun receiving considerable
    attention among investors and policymakers alike. Given
    heightened global risks and the demands under the European
    Union accession process, the need to better understand this
    high credit growth's drivers, riskiness, and the
    possible macroeconomic and financial stability consequences

  9. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    This Financial Sector Assessment (FSA)
    summarizes the structural and developmental aspects of the
    2007 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) update
    report for the Republic of Croatia. An in-depth elaboration
    on the stability and prudential oversight aspects of the
    FSAP Update, including factual updates of core principles
    and Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs),
    are summarized in the Financial System Stability Assessment

  10. Library Resource
    August, 2014

    The objective of this policy note on
    land is to assist the Government of Moldova in improving the
    effectiveness of land management in agriculture, with a view
    to enhancing the sector's contribution to
    Moldova's economic growth and poverty reduction
    objectives. The note reviews the progress that has been
    made to date on land reform in Moldova, and provides
    rigorous economic analysis of the impacts of the reforms and

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