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  1. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2010

    Vegetated buffer zones (BZs) between a cultivated field and a watercourse reduce erosion and load of particle-bound phosphorus (P), but decay of abundant vegetation increases the potential of BZs to act as a source of readily algal-available P. To quantify temporal variations in P and nitrogen (N) contents of the grassy vegetation of BZs on a clay soil (Vertic Cambisol) in south-western Finland, plant samples were collected six times between May 2005 and April 2006 from natural BZs, BZs grazed by cattle and BZs harvested by cutting and removal of the yield.

  2. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2002

    This paper uses data from a survey of more than 1,400 farming households in Hungary to identify a set of profiles of farming households, which are active in the rental market and to estimate econometrically the impact of household characteristics, such as social, physical, and human capital, as well as regional and environmental characteristics on land rental activities. We show that the decision of farming households to lease in land is related to their land endowment, their access to capital assets, human capital variables such as age and education and their social capital.

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2009

    Magyarországon az 1990-es évektől kezdve az egyes régiók, kistérségek közötti fejlettségbeli különbségek növekedtek, a kormányzati intézkedések nem voltak képesek ezt ellensúlyozni. A 174 magyarországi kistérségből a 33 leghátrányosabb helyzetűben él a lakosság egytizede. Ezek elhelyezkedését belső és külső perifériális állapot jellemzi. Helyzetük javítását az általunk megalkotott szociális zöldenergia program szolgálhatná, melynek gazdasági és társadalmi hatásai főként a legkedvezőtlenebb helyzetű társadalmi csoportokat segíthetnék.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2013

    Multicriteria-Spatial Decision Support Systems (MC-SDSS) are increasingly popular tools in decision-making processes and in policy making, thanks to their significant new capabilities in the use of spatial or geospatial information. Many spatial problems are complex and require the use of integrated analysis and models. The present paper illustrates the development of a MC-SDSS approach for studying the ecological connectivity of the Piedmont Region in Italy.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2001

    This paper explores the possibility of using non-geometric cadastral maps from the 17th and 18th century together with aerial photographs from 1945 and 1981 to analyse land-cover change in south-east Sweden. Habitats rich in plant species in the European rural landscape seem to be correlated with a long continuity of management. Accurate spatial data from historical data sources are fundamental to understand patterns of vegetation and biodiversity in the present-day landscape.

  6. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2009

    Agricultural trade is by far the largest vehicle to ‘move’ water virtually around the world. Observing that most countries import and export water embedded in the exchanged products, the objective of this study is to assess the virtual water ‘trade’ in Spain for the period 1997-2006. We differentiate between the green and blue components of virtual water from a hydrological and economic perspective. The combination of spatial and time dimensions offers a unique empirical setting to determine whether virtual water ‘trade’ can contribute to reduce water scarcity.

  7. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2005

    The study presented in this paper is part of the ACCELERATES (Assessing Climate Change Effects on Land Use and Ecosystems from Regional Analysis to The European Scale) project whose main goal is the construction of integrated predictions of future land use in Europe. The scenarios constructed in the project include estimates not only due to changes in the climate baseline, but also estimates due to possible future changes in socio-economics.

  8. Library Resource
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    December, 1990

    First Annual Conference on Agricultural Policy and the Environment; Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by University of Minnesota, Center for International Food and Agricultural Policy; Agricultural Development Regional Agency (ESAV); University of Padova, Motta di Livenza, Italy, June 19-23, 1989, Volume IIContents:The Agricultural Land Market in Minnesota, by Philip RaupLand Prices and Farm Incomes in Minnesota, by Kent D. Olson and Michael D. BoehljeEvaluating Producer Welfare Under Uncertainty: Implications for Agricultural Policy, by Yacov Tsur and David Zilberman

  9. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2008

    There is growing interest in the applications of soil enzymes as early indicators of soil quality change under contrasting agricultural management practices. However, despite there being an abundant literature on this subject, most comparative assessments have been based on a limited number of experimental farms and, therefore, conclusions are not as robust as desired. In this study, we compare 18 pairs of organic and neighbouring conventional olive orchards in southern Spain.

  10. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2000
    Hungary, Bulgaria, Eastern Europe

    Based on survey data on Bulgarian and Hungarian crop and dairy farms, a double-peaked distribution of technical efficiency is observed. Several factors explain differences in efficiency. Human capital matters not only through age and education, but also through gender as farms with a higher share of women are more efficient. Contracting with upstream processors increased efficiency through facilitating the adoption of technology and the access to credits. The superiority of family farms over corporate farms is confirmed for crops but not for dairy.

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