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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    Less restrictive product market policies
    are crucial in promoting convergence to higher levels of GDP
    per capita. This paper benchmarks product market policies in
    Bulgaria to those of OECD countries by estimating OECD
    indicators of Product Market Regulation (PMR). The PMR
    indicators allow a comprehensive mapping of policies
    affecting competition in product markets. Comparison with
    OECD countries reveals that Bulgaria has made substantial

  2. Library Resource
    May, 2012

    The importance of the tertiary road
    sector in contributing to economic development and poverty
    alleviation efforts cannot be understated. In Albania,
    forty-nine percent of rural producers have stated that a
    lack of adequate transportation, primarily good roads, was
    their biggest marketing problem. In Bosnia and Herzegovina,
    there is discontent about the quality of the regional and
    tertiary roads, with complaints about the low quality of

  3. Library Resource
    June, 2012
    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    The private enterprise sector in Bosnia
    and Herzegovina (BiH) has been expanding steadily, and
    estimates are that it presently contributes close to 50
    percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The BiH private
    enterprise sector initially developed following the
    privatization program starting in 1999. Under that program,
    the majority of state owned enterprises (SOEs) that were
    privatized were done so using the voucher privatization

  4. Library Resource
    May, 2012

    This report was prepared in close
    collaboration with the Bank of Albania. This report focused
    on trade, services, and agriculture; however, the limited
    scope of their operations still leaves a potentially large
    unmet demand for credit in agriculture. This report focuses
    on problems related to the operation of Immovable Property
    Registry System (IPRS) and other institutions and the
    formalization of property rights and inscription of

  5. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    The importance of the tertiary road
    sector in contributing to economic development and poverty
    alleviation efforts cannot be understated. In Albania,
    forty-nine percent of rural producers have stated that a
    lack of adequate transportation, primarily good roads, was
    their biggest marketing problem. In Bosnia and Herzegovina,
    there is discontent about the quality of the regional and
    tertiary roads, with complaints about the low quality of

  6. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    This sector report claims that in the
    three years between 2002 and 2005 alone, almost 235,000
    people have moved out of poverty in Albania. Strong economic
    growth and large inflow of remittances are at the center of
    this impressive achievement. However, low productivity of
    predominantly small family farms has put a drag on rural
    growth prospects. Moreover, Ndihma Ekonomike (NE) program,
    the means-tested income support program is small in scale,

  7. Library Resource
    June, 2012
    Montenegro, Serbia

    Beginning in the late 1990s, Montenegro's economic reform program reached momentum in the early 2000s. Its reform program rested on two broad pillars: macroeconomic stabilization, and market-oriented structural reforms. However, the macroeconomic and structural reforms have yielded modest economic recovery and transition, holding a current account deficit, which although still high, is improving; yet its principal human welfare indicators such as poverty, life expectancy, and adult literacy remained moderate and stable. But significant challenges remain.

  8. Library Resource
    March, 2013

    Poland has by far the highest hard coal
    production of any country in the European Union and hard
    coal will continue to play a crucial role regarding energy
    security for Poland. Most importantly, hard coal can reduce
    both the price and supply risks for Poland associated with
    oil and gas imports. Poland has a number of low cost mines
    with good quality coal where production can be expanded so
    that it is feasible for coal to meet domestic demand without

  9. Library Resource
    July, 2014

    Albania has undertaken major reforms in
    its system of local government finance since 2000. What had
    been a system in which local functions were ambiguous and
    financing was largely provided through tightly controlled
    earmarked grants is now one in which functions are
    relatively clear and local governments have more autonomy
    over the allocation of funds. A new system of competitive
    grants for infrastructure investment has been introduced.

  10. Library Resource
    August, 2014

    This report on Albania urban sector
    review focuses on trends and issues that have come to the
    fore with rapid urbanization and with the recent
    decentralization of major responsibilities to local
    governments. Continuing the achievements and addressing the
    problems will require actions by local governments and, just
    as importantly, by the central government, which sets the
    legal and regulatory conditions for local governance and the

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