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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2010
    France, Europe

    The 2003 reform of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) introduced Single Farm Payments (SFPs) which are decoupled payments conditional on cross-compliance, and allows these payments to be claimed for land kept fully idle but maintained in good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC). This paper focuses on the potential impact of the reform on land idling decisions in France with the help of a survey of the intentions of landowners.

  2. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2011

    The paper presents a case study in which land use strategies to mitigate Climate Change effects are developed for a model in Saxony, Germany. In this region, the degree of freedom to respond to Climate Change with land-cover changes is very small. Based on a participatory process, an approach was developed to extend land-cover classes (e.g. forest, agriculture) by land management classes. In this paper, the focus is on the forest management classification.

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2006

    We propose a theoretical framework to analyze the conditions under which a farmer facing production uncertainty (due to a possible water shortage) and incomplete information will adopt a more efficient irrigation technology. A reduced form of this model is empirically estimated using a sample of 265 farms located in Crete, Greece. The empirical results suggest that farmers choose to adopt the new technology in order to hedge against production risk.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2008

    Multivariate analysis of data from approximately 700 arable fields from France was carried out to partition the respective importance of environmental factors versus management practices on weed species richness and composition. Overall, canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the major variations in species composition between fields were associated with human management factors; (1) the current crop type and (2) the preceding crop type. Three main weed communities were identified according to sowing season: winter, spring and summer-sown crops.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2014

    Vegetation models are essential tools for projecting large-scale land-cover response to changing climate, which is expected to alter the distribution of biomes and individual species. A large-scale bioclimatic envelope model (RuBCliM) and an individual species based gap model (UVAFME) are used to simulate the Russian forests under current and future climate for two greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. Results for current conditions are compared between models and assessed against two independent maps of Russian forest biomes and dominant tree species.

  6. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2015
    Australia, New Zealand, Europe

    In New Zealand and Australia, rural landowners believe that local predator control to protect indigenous biota exacerbates European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus problems on their land. We assess the validity of their concerns by reviewing the published literature on effects of predators on rabbit abundance. In New Zealand, where rabbits and their predators are introduced, predators appear to have relatively little effect on rabbit numbers compared with other factors leading to mortality, such as disease, flooding of burrows and burrow collapse.

  7. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2013
    Czech Republic

    The article presents a comparison of EAFRD support for afforestation of agricultural land (managed succession) in the years of 2007–2013 and model costs required to compensate for both operational inputs and agricultural income forgone when establishing woodland on agricultural land in the Czech Republic. The aim was to investigate whether the blanket support rates for the afforestation of agricultural land are sufficient to cover the associated costs in a wide range of site conditions. Costs were calculated for 43 groups based on forest typology.

  8. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2013

    Land-use and land-cover change profoundly affect human well-being and, therefore, have become a major topic for society. A thorough understanding of past and present processes transforming landscapes is essential for guiding future developments toward the sustained provision of the ecosystem services humans critically depend upon. Drawing on the driving forces and resilience frameworks, we identify possible variables and patterns of land change, connecting them to empirical findings in three case study areas in the Swabian Alb region, southwestern Germany.

  9. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2013
    Australia, Europe, Northern America

    The environmental consequences of agriculture are of growing concern. One example of these consequences is the effect of agricultural pollutants on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), a world heritage-listed ecosystem lying off the tropical north-eastern coast of Australia. Pollutants from agricultural lands (fine sediments and attached nitrogen (N) mainly from grazing lands, and dissolved N and pesticides mainly from cropping) in catchments draining into the GBR lagoon threaten the health and resilience of this ecosystem.

  10. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2012

    Region of Murcia is one of the major peach-producing areas in Spain and it is also one of the oldest within the European Union. Payments over property rights of new peach cultivars have proved to be very controversial. When a producer designs a new plant, he or she must pay royalties for the new cultivars to the market, use free cultivars or develop new cultivars. The latter option is currently being used by NOVAMED S.L. The company consists of several major fruit-operators located in the Region.

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