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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    May, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    This paper reviews the status of weather
    and climate services in Europe and Central Asia
    (ECA).Worldwide, the accuracy and value of weather and
    climate services are rising, bringing great economic
    benefits. However, many National Meteorological and
    Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Europe and Central Asia are
    in decline. As a result, these potential gains are often
    missed. Much more could be done to mitigate weather

  2. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    In view of its increasing importance,
    and the dearth of information on return migration and its
    impacts on source households, this study uses data from the
    2005 Albania Living Standards Measurement Study survey and
    assesses the impact of past migration experience of Albanian
    households on non-farm business ownership through
    instrumental variables regression techniques. Moreover,
    considering the differences in earning potentials and

  3. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    Less restrictive product market policies
    are crucial in promoting convergence to higher levels of GDP
    per capita. This paper benchmarks product market policies in
    Romania to those of OECD countries by estimating OECD
    indicators of Product Market Regulation (PMR). The PMR
    indicators allow a comprehensive mapping of policies
    affecting competition in product markets. Comparison with
    OECD countries reveals that Romania's product market

  4. Library Resource
    February, 2013

    This report assesses Montenegro's
    public and external debt sustainability under alternative
    scenarios. The baseline scenario assumes continued
    implementation of a macroeconomic stabilization and
    structural reform program, while the low case scenario
    describes the alternative of a sluggish growth environment
    due to policy slippage/weak reform. In addition, other
    sensitivity tests are conducted in order to highlight the

  5. Library Resource
    July, 2014

    Productivity in Belarus'
    agricultural sector has improved considerably, but large
    parts of crop and livestock production are not
    internationally competitive. The state's regulatory and
    fiscal support system for agriculture has been instrumental
    in improving the sector's performance. But the massive
    distortions to agricultural incentives it creates to prevent
    the sector from reaching its full potential. And the high

  6. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    This Poverty report is aimed at improving the understanding of poverty in Ukraine, and providing linkages between growth, the evolution of economic sectors, and poverty. The main findings can be summed up as follows: An absolute poverty line and a revised consumption aggregate -- jointly developed with Ukraine experts -- indicate that around 19 percent of the population lived in poverty by 2003. While in 1999 Ukraine had a poverty incidence higher than Poland, Russia, Lithuania, or Bulgaria, by 2003 it was the lowest compared with these countries.

  7. Library Resource
    June, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    The objective of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the extent and nature of poverty in urban areas in transition countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, providing particular attention to the disparities within urban areas between capital cities and secondary cities, and focusing on dimensions of poverty related to provision of network infrastructure and energy services in cities. Household surveys carried out in 1998-2003 in 20 countries provided the data for the study.

  8. Library Resource
    March, 2013

    The results of the alpha survey on
    administrative barriers completed in 2006 indicate that,
    notwithstanding recent government reforms to reduce
    regulations affecting firms, administrative burdens are
    still substantial impediments to doing business. Based on
    the survey, the Bulgarian Government has commissioned an
    in-depth analysis of the procedure affecting three sectors:
    tourism, food, and transport. This report recommends the

  9. Library Resource
    March, 2012

    Transition to market-oriented agriculture has been characterized in all the CIS countries by a massive shift from large-scale "agricultural enterprises" to small family farms. The comparative efficiency of these two categories of farms is thus a topical issue for agriculture in transition counties. This article uses national agricultural statistics for Moldova for 1990-2006 and cross-section data from three farm surveys conducted in 2000-2003 to analyze the productivity of small individual farms and large corporate farms in Moldova.

  10. Library Resource
    June, 2012
    Asia, Eastern Europe, Europe

    A major problem in the Europe and
    Central Asia (ECA) agricultural sector and rural areas
    during the transition was the breakdown of the relationships
    of farms with input suppliers and output markets. The
    simultaneous privatization and restructuring of the farms
    and of the up- and downstream companies in the agrifood
    chain have caused major disruptions. The result is that many
    farms and rural households face serious constraints in

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