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  1. Library Resource
    January, 2022
    Uganda, Norway

    ABSTRACT Amuru district in northern Uganda has had intense land rights violations over the past fourteen years. There have been large scale land investments for commercial agriculture and other activities with limited community engagement, In many families men have sold off family land to ‘investors’ without consultation of their wives.

  2. Library Resource

    Evidence from 33 Countries

    Reports & Research
    March, 2019
    Morocco, Tunisia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Cameroon, Namibia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Jordan, United Kingdom

    This report uses household-level data from 33, mostly developing, countries to analyse perceptions of tenure insecurity among women. We test two hypotheses: (1) that women feel more insecure than men; and (2) that increasing statutory protections for women, for instance by issuing joint named titles or making inheritance law more gender equal, increases de facto tenure security.

  3. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    May, 2013
    Central African Republic, Norway

    This study explores the impact of changes in land tenure institutions on women's land rights and the efficiency of tree resource management in Western Ghana. We find that customary land tenure institutions have evolved toward individualized systems to provide incentives to invest in tree planting. However, contrary to the common belief that individualization of land tenure weakens women's land rights, these have been strengthened through inter vivos gifts and the practice of the Intestate Succession Law.

  4. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    October, 2002
    Slovenia, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Germany, Australia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Eastern Europe

    Women's employment in transition countries, notably Central and Eastern Europe has become increasingly informal and flexible. The first growing trend is that women are more involved in cross-border trade, known as 'suitcase' trade, often keeping women away from home for days or months. They buy mainly consumer and household goods usually unavailable in their home countries, to sell to street vendors on their return home. The second growing trend is women's involvement in sub-contracting, particularly work such as hand sewing for the textile and shoe industries.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2020
    Southern Europe, Eastern Europe

    Women’s economic empowerment is essential in promoting equality between women and men and is a precondition for sustainable development.

  6. Library Resource

    Volume 6 Issue 3

    Peer-reviewed publication
    October, 2017

    During the twenty-first century, large carnivores have increased in human dominated landscapes after being extinct or nearly extinct. This has resulted in increasing numbers of livestock killed by large carnivores. The intent of this paper is to give a land use-historical perspective on the recent livestock–carnivore conflict in boreal Sweden. More specifically we address: (1) depredation risks (livestock killed by carnivores) and (2) local knowledge of how to protect livestock from predation and whether it survived among pastoralists until the present.

  7. Library Resource
    Institutional & promotional materials
    November, 2019
    Morocco, Moldova, Sudan, Northern Africa, Eastern Europe

    SLM CoP Presentation given by Tatenda Lemann at the SKIM Regional Workshop in Rabat, Morocco November 14th, 2019.

  8. Library Resource
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    December, 2015
    Serbia, Slovenia, United States of America, Hungary, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Montenegro, Austria, Europe

    The Woodfuel Integrated Supply and Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) in Serbia form part of a series of initiatives undertaken by FAO to promote strategic wood energy planning and policy formulation. As in many countries all over the globe the wood energy sector suffers from a widespread lack of recognition in national planning contexts, especially in forest and energy policies.

  9. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2009

    The wintering Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor was censused in Poland more than two decades ago (during the winters of 1988/89 and 1989/90). Single censuses were made during each winter on sample plots varying from 4.1 to 35.1 km² (mean: 16.4 km²). Altogether, data from 404 plots, covering in total more than 6.6 thousands km² were used for the analysis. Based on this data and environmental information gathered in GIS databases (Corine land cover ““CLC1990”” database, digital elevation model ““GTOPO30”” dataset) we modelled habitat- and spatial-related variation in shrike distribution.

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