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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    May, 2012

    In 1993, in response to persistent
    unemployment, and rising poverty and social unrest, the
    government of Albania introduced an anti-poverty program,
    namely Ndihma Ekonomike; in 1995 it was extended to all poor
    households. This paper estimates the separate effects of
    participation in this income support program and the old-age
    pension program on objective and subjective measures of
    household poverty. The analysis uses the nationally

  2. Library Resource
    June, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    Massive privatizations of housing in Europe and Central Asia transition countries have significantly reduced rental tenure choice, threatening to impede residential mobility. Policymakers are intensifying their search for adequate policy responses aimed at broadening tenure choice for more household categories through effective rental housing alternatives in the social and private sectors.

  3. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    Finnish economic history during the "long" 20th century, with a special emphasis on policies for equity and growth, is reviewed. IT is argued that Finland developed from a poor, vulnerable and conflict-prone country to a modern economy in part through policies geared at both growth and equity, such as land reform and compulsory schooling. The state participated in economic activity both indirectly and directly in the post-war period, implementing many social policy reforms that facilitated the functioning of the labor market and led to greater equity.

  4. Library Resource
    September, 2013

    This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)
    looks at the broad reform program, including institutional,
    governance, and economic restructuring reforms Romania is
    pursuing, which are anchored in its process for accession to
    the European Union (EU). The challenge is to expand
    integration with the EU more broadly throughout the economy,
    by relying on market driven mechanisms in a predictable
    rules-based policy environment, with the state sharply

  5. Library Resource
    September, 2013

    This Country Economic Memorandum (CEM)
    looks at the broad reform program, including institutional,
    governance, and economic restructuring reforms Romania is
    pursuing, which are anchored in its process for accession to
    the European Union (EU). The challenge is to expand
    integration with the EU more broadly throughout the economy,
    by relying on market driven mechanisms in a predictable
    rules-based policy environment, with the state sharply

  6. Library Resource
    June, 2012
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    In recent years, the countries of Europe
    and Central Asia (ECA) have experienced a marked decline in
    investments by international private operators/investors in
    local infrastructure-much in line with the trend observed in
    other emerging markets. This decline has been particularly
    significant in the local water and energy sectors. In light
    of the increasingly tight fiscal constraints faced by
    governments across ECA, there is a strong need to develop

  7. Library Resource
    June, 2012

    The World Bank undertook an investment climate assessment in Lithuania in 2004 as part of its efforts to support member countries through in-depth analysis of major microeconomic constraints in their business environments. Lithuania has made serious efforts in recent years to improve its investment climate. This report has attempted to capture as much as possible the achievements of those efforts as well as the shortcomings that remain. The general picture in 2004 was of impressively rapid progress in the previous two to three years.

  8. Library Resource
    August, 2013

    This qualitative assessment of poverty
    in Albania seeks to deepen the understanding of poverty in
    the country, first, by involving poor Albanians in a process
    of exploring the causes, nature, extent of poverty, and how
    it affects their livelihoods. Second, it is intended to
    support the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
    (PRSP). Third, it supports preparation of the Country
    Assistance Strategy (CAS), and the Living Standards

  9. Library Resource
    August, 2013
    North Macedonia

    Economic progress in Macedonia has been
    variable and slow during the last 10 years. This slow
    progress is attributable to the succession of political and
    economic shocks, and the failure to complete economic
    reform. Agriculture is an important sector in the Macedonia
    economy, with production and processing contributing around
    18% of GDP. As a small economy with a structural deficit in
    most food commodities, agricultural trade is essential for

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