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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2011

    In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were examined different formulations of a notion and term of 'land use', there was presented its content taking into account modern conditions. There was shown the notion and content of intra-farm land use planning of agricultural organizations; its content updated with the issues on ecologization of land use planning. There was suggested an energy approach to the economic estimation of taken project decisions made in land use planning.

  2. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2011

    In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was formulated a term of intra-farm organization of the territory of an agricultural enterprise. There was examined its content, role and meaning in the organization of agricultural production. On-farm organization of a territory of an agricultural enterprise represents a regularization of allocation of a complex of interrelated and interdependent sustainable elements of a territory which included natural and anthropogenic objects. There were presented the parameters, which characterized intra-farm organization of the territory.

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2015

    Under conditions of wide interstate integration within the AIC system, membership of Russia in the World trade organization, introducing anti-Russian economic sanctions by separate countries of the West and adopting responsive protection measures from Russian side for ensuring the stable growth of agrarian sector and surmounting a whole set of socioeconomic risks, the new agrarian policy is required.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2015

    The system of assessing the efficiency of state regulation of agriculture, included in the State program, does not permit in full extent to reveal the efficiency of using budgetary means; it does not cover all important spheres of agriculture and its influence on macroeconomic situation. In view of that, it is feasible to enforce the target direction of assessing the state regulation with accounting for changed socioeconomic situation in the country, including the membership of Russia in the WTO ant participating in the Europe-Asia economic union (EAEU).

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2012

    Integrating social demands into landscape management has been proven difficult because of a lack of suitable measures. In order to address this issue this article describes the development of the Index of Function Suitability (IFS). This offers an integrated conceptual tool for incorporating social demands into landscape management. The IFS links preferences to land cover spatial patterns as it uses quantitative indicators for gauging differences between the preferred landscape patterns by users, for a certain activity related to an amenity function (e.g.

  6. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2000
    Finland, Greece, Europe

    In Greece, there is no official inventory for the activity land use, land use change and forestry. The national forest inventory was completed in 1992. Using the data of this inventory, the carbon store of woody biomass of Greece has been estimated by FAO-TBFRA (2000) as 52.04 millions t C, of which 46.36 millions t C is above stump biomass and 8.67 millions t C is stump and root biomass.

  7. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 2015
    Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan

    In article is devoted to problems of land relations in agriculture, which provides an analysis of the nature this dynamics in recent decades, assess the rationality of land use in the context of globalization and offers an innovative solution for forming a model of land relations in agriculture. The authors is a traced the cyclic processes in the history of the development of land and property relations, assesses the present stage of the next cycle and are historical parallels in socio-economic development.

  8. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2008

    This paper develops a disequilibriummodel of land prices in the Netherlands. It shows thatthe behaviour of traded quantities and prices of Dutchland have some resemblance with a disequilibrium landmarket model developed by Søgaard. An errorcorrection model based on Søgaard’s model generatessignificant results with GDP and the real interest rate asexplanatory variables, but regrettably farm income norgovernment demand for land generate significantresults.

  9. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2005

    This work is settled in the context of the Project "Characterization, Cartography and Evaluation of Spanish pastures" (INIA-CCAA OTOO-037-C17). Results of the characterization, cartography and evaluation by means of the phytocenologic and cartographic units established by authors, the II National Forestry Inventory (DGCN, 1996) and the Forestry Map of Spain (DGCN, 2001) are presented. Considering the dominant species provided by the last mentioned work and the phytosociological characterizations, type-inventories are established, which allow an estimation of the pasture production.

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