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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    June, 2013
    Eastern Europe, Europe

    The transition economies of Central and
    Eastern Europe, through the reform process of
    decentralization, are now seeking the devolution of fiscal
    powers, and responsibilities from central, to local
    governments, within financially sustainable environments. To
    this end, a system of local budgets, and taxes needs to be
    devised, over which local governments may have control.
    Thus, this report focuses on the tax on immovable real

  2. Library Resource
    August, 2013

    This qualitative assessment of poverty
    in Albania seeks to deepen the understanding of poverty in
    the country, first, by involving poor Albanians in a process
    of exploring the causes, nature, extent of poverty, and how
    it affects their livelihoods. Second, it is intended to
    support the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
    (PRSP); third, it supports preparation of the Country
    Assistance Strategy (CAS), and the Living Standards

  3. Library Resource
    August, 2013
    Europe, Lithuania

    Lithuania's long-term economic
    strategy aims at building the foundations for achieving
    rapid convergence with Western European countries. The
    medium-term objective of the economic policy is to meet the
    economic criteria for accession and to get ready for
    membership in the European and Monetary Union (EMU) after
    accession. This will be acheived through continued
    macroeconomic stability, fiscal consolidation, and further

  4. Library Resource
    June, 2013

    The sharp reduction in poverty in
    Bulgaria since the 1997 crisis highlights the role of
    effective economic stabilization policies and the social
    safety nets in improving the living conditions of the
    population. The nature of poverty in Bulgaria has changed
    since 1997, when poverty for many households was a transient
    phenomenon resulting from the immediate shock of
    hyperinflation and sharply increasing unemployment. Poverty

  5. Library Resource
    July, 2013

    Favorable economic conditions offer a
    window of opportunity for the Ukrainian government External
    factors served as a catalyst for the economic turnaround but
    policies and reforms have also played a critical role.
    Nevertheless, the positive trends will weaken without vision
    at the top level of government. An "insider
    economy" threatens to become a primary obstacle to
    Ukraine's future development and also weakens the link

  6. Library Resource
    July, 2013

    In 1989, Albania's rigid political
    and socioeconomic structure shattered beyond repair.
    Turbulence soon invaded every domain of life. As the state
    imploded, so did the state-run economy. This review explores
    ongoing consequences of this difficult transformation that
    took place since 1989 and of policy initiatives to mitigate
    or ameliorate its effects. Albania has been much studied;
    the review addresses important information gaps. It

  7. Library Resource
    July, 2013
    Asia, Central Asia, Europe

    This report reviews the status of the 28
    countries of Europe and Central Asia (ECA) with respect to
    the environmental Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The aim
    of this goal is to 'ensure environmental
    sustainability,' which is elaborated by a set of three
    targets and eight indicators. The indicators for the
    environment MDG are important not only as measures of
    environmental sustainability, but also as contributors to

  8. Library Resource
    May, 2014
    Romania, Russia, Ukraine

    Against the backdrop of economic
    transition, several countries in Eastern Europe have
    undertaken far-reaching programs to restructure their coal
    sectors, which in the 1990s were in a state of deep crisis.
    One aspect of restructuring has been the closure of
    loss-making mines, which are often located in communities
    where the coal industry is the dominant employer, and the
    significant downsizing of the workforce. Mitigation efforts

  9. Library Resource
    June, 2013
    Albania, Azerbaijan, Moldova

    The study reviews the performance of
    four transition countries - Albania, Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz
    Republic, and Moldova - in the areas of private, and
    financial sector development, identifying both their
    achievements, and challenges, to extract beneficial reform
    efforts, and alternative approaches, setting the pace for
    sustainable growth. These countries were selected because
    they are among the poorest in the region, whose problems are

  10. Library Resource
    August, 2013

    This study presents a detailed analysis
    of the system of environmental expenditure in Ukraine with a
    particular focus on public expenditures. It examines the
    extent to which the present system meets national
    environmental objectives and identifies ways in which it can
    be improved and made more cost-effective. Since
    environmental spending is closely tied to sources of
    environmental revenues (partly a result of earmarking and

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