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  1. Library Resource
    Belgium, Europe, Western Europe

    Le présent décret, ayant pour but de protéger l'environnement contre la pollution due à la production et à l'utilisation d'engrais, règle une matière visée à l'article 107 quater de la Constitution. D'abord, sont définis certains termes comme "terre", "terre arable", "bétail", "entreprise", "engrais", "engrais animal", "bilan nutritif", "producteur", "transporteur", etc. L'article 3 établit que le producteur doit fournir chaque année à la "Mestbank" des éléments énumérés dans l'article 3.

  2. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Hungary, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The contracting parties propose to develop cooperation in the fields of environmental protection, sustainable use of natural resources and town and country planning. They promote the development of economic, scentific and technical relations, and support new initiatives and agreements aiming to contribute towards the resolution of global and regional ecological and environmental problems. The Hungarian-Ukraine Environmental Protection and Country-planning Cooperation Commission is established for the elaboration and implementation of cooperation programmes.

  3. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Hungary, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Europe, Western Asia, Asia

    The contracting parties propose to develop cooperation in the field of environmental protection and restoration. Priority areas are air pollution, harmonization of national, regional and international law, neutralization of wastes and recycling, protection of water quality, protection against noise and vibration, protection of biodiversity, exchange of information regarding soil conservation and energy use, protected areas and their utilization, EIA, training, exchange of information regarding the implementation of EC environmental directives.

  4. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    The intention of the Law is to allow acquisition of title to agricultural land as compensation for property loss as a result of State intervention in the past, considering the interest in continuous agricultural development as well. Article 1 lays down deadlines for the presentation of claims for agricultural land against compensation coupons. Assignment procedures for compensation coupons are covered by Articles 2 and 3. The implementation of the Law is remitted to land redistribution commissions (art. 4). Such commissions propose auction schemes and land to be sold by auction.

  5. Library Resource
    International Conventions or Treaties
    Hungary, Norway, Eastern Europe, Europe, Northern Europe

    The Parties shall cooperate on environmental policy and management, town and country planning, reduction of environmental pollution, nature protection and cultural heritage, environmental monitoring and information systems, education and propaganda. A permanent Hungarian-Norwegian Workgroup is established for the implementation of this Agreement. The Agreement is in force for five years and shall be automatically extended for a further five years unless one of the Parties rescinds it three months before expiry.

  6. Library Resource
    Hungary, Eastern Europe, Europe

    Legal and natural persons using at least fifty acres of agricultural land are compelled to keep a plot register where they report every happening relative to plots of fields, gardens, orchards, grasslands and reeds. Registers also include data regarding ownership, geographical area, agrochemical, geological and climatic features of the plot. The control of plot registers is performed by county (capital) plant protection and soil conservation stations.

  7. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Law regulates the design of land reclamation facilities, their use and protection, the financing and implementation of land reclamation works, legal relationships with respect to land reclamation.The 15 articles of this Act are divided into 4 Chapters, i.e.

  8. Library Resource
    Kazakhstan, Russia, Central Asia

    The Act makes provision for private, collective, and state property. The text consists of 25 articles divided into 5 Parts: General Regulations (I); Citizens' Property (II); Collective Property (III); The State Property (IV); Guarantees, Protection and Restrictions of the Proprietary Rights (V).The right of ownership, is recognized and protected by law (art. 1). Article 2 lists the objects of the right of ownership. Also persons not admitted to the citizenship of the Kazakh SSR may be subjects of the right of ownership (art. 3).

  9. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    The purpose of the supervision by the officers authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture of land reclamation works is to guarantee the enforcement of provisions of laws which apply to the preparation and carrying out of land reclamation works. These Regulations specify the rights and obligations of such officers. (8 regulations)

    Implements: Law on Land Reclamation (No. 1-323 of 1993). (1993-12-09)

  10. Library Resource
    Lithuania, Europe, Northern Europe

    This Regulation makes provision for expert examination with regards to the feasibility and viability of proposed land reclamation projects. Such examination is made for all land reclamation and hydrotechnic works irrespective the source of financing (art. 2). Expert examination shall be carried out by an institution authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture (art. 3). The outcome of the examination may cause modification of a land reclamation project (art. 6). (8 articles)

    Implements: Law on Land Reclamation (No. 1-323 of 1993). (1993-12-09)

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