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Showing items 1 through 9 of 12443.
  1. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    October, 2016
    South America, Africa, Europe, United States of America

    This yearbook chapter discusses the link between international investment law and commercial pressures on the world’s natural resources. It argues that changes in legal frameworks are redefining control over natural resources, and facilitating transitions toward more commercialised land relations. As pressures on resources increase, many national laws undermine the rights of people impacted by investments. If not properly thought through, international treaties to protect foreign investment could compound shortcomings of local and national governance.

  2. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    March, 2016

    Recent studies have focused on the 'silent' agricultural revolution that occurred in rural West German society during the postwar period. The purpose of this paper is to provide a new framework by reviewing these recent studies in three research fields: (1) German rural social history, (2) the history of German agricultural policy, and (3) the ecological aspects of the land consolidation program ('Flurbereinigung').

  3. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    April, 2005

    Attitudes towards the land rights of Sami reindeer herders have changed considerably during the last 100 years. So, too, has consideration of how such rights should be treated by Land Consolidation Courts. This paper reviews changes in attitudes to the Sami land rights with respect to how these are considered in Land Consolidation Courts in southern Sami areas in Norway. The review also considers changing attitudes regarding the competence of Land Consolidation Courts to deal with such matters.

  4. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    April, 2005

    Attitudes towards the land rights of Sami reindeer herders have changed considerably during the last 100 years. So, too, has consideration of how such rights should be treated by Land Consolidation Courts. This paper reviews changes in attitudes to the Sami land rights with respect to how these are considered in Land Consolidation Courts in southern Sami areas in Norway. The review also considers changing attitudes regarding the competence of Land Consolidation Courts to deal with such matters.

  5. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    April, 2005

    Attitudes towards the land rights of Sami reindeer herders have changed considerably during the last 100 years. So, too, has consideration of how such rights should be treated by Land Consolidation Courts. This paper reviews changes in attitudes to the Sami land rights with respect to how these are considered in Land Consolidation Courts in southern Sami areas in Norway. The review also considers changing attitudes regarding the competence of Land Consolidation Courts to deal with such matters.

  6. Library Resource
    twee kanten landjepik cover image
    Policy Papers & Briefs
    July, 2017
    Netherlands, Global

    Soms bewust en soms onopgemerkt trekt iemand een stuk (gemeente)grond bij zijn tuin, onderhoudt dit jarenlang en behandelt het alsof het van hem is. Landjepik. Na twintig jaar verliest de originele eigenaar zijn eigendom en wordt de ‘dief ’ beloond voor zijn actie. Maar deze wijziging wordt nergens vastgelegd. De notaris kan dit dus niet zien als hij een woning overdraagt. Björn Hoops, promovendus en docent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, brengt nu in kaart hoe groot dit probleem is.

  7. Library Resource
    Reports & Research
    March, 2017

    "One of the lingering effects of the food price crisis of 2007–08 on the world food system is the proliferating acquisition of farmland in developing countries by other countries seeking to ensure their food supplies. Increased pressures on natural resources, water scarcity, export restrictions imposed by major producers when food prices were high, and growing distrust in the functioning of regional and global markets have pushed countries short in land and water to find alternative means of producing food.

  8. Library Resource
    Journal Articles & Books
    December, 1991

    As in the past, the Unasylva issue immediately preceding the World Forestry Congress examines a number of the broad challenges facing forestry. In an interview, FAO Director General Edouard Saouma considers the world forestry situation and highlights the Organization's priorities for work in forestry over the coming decade. The cutting edge of FAO's forestry activities is exemplified in the assistance provided to member countries; M.K. Muthoo, Director of the FAO Forestry Operations Service, describes the recent evolution of the department's field programme. M.R.

  9. Library Resource
    Conference Papers & Reports
    December, 2018
    Serbia, France, Lithuania, Turkey, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Latvia, India, Kazakhstan, Romania, Czech Republic

    The conference is aimed at dissemination of scientific research results, sharing of experience, improvement of foreign language and cross - cultural communication skills, and establishing of international contacts.

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