Loi n° 2015 - 051 portant Orientation de l’Aménagement du Territoire
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The document, "Loi n° 2015 - 051 portant Orientation de l’Aménagement du Territoire" (Law No. 2015-051 on the Orientation of Territorial Planning) establishes the first legal framework for land use planning in the Republic. This law addresses the need for a comprehensive approach to land governance, which has been inconsistently managed by different ministries. The law aims to ensure a balanced distribution of population and activities across the national territory, guarantee the coherence of public and private activities contributing to the economic and social development of the territory, and create conditions for development adapted to regional and local specificities.
To achieve these objectives, the law proposes the establishment of horizontal and vertical coordination bodies for land use planning, defining the respective competencies of the State, decentralized territorial collectivities, the private sector, NGOs, and civil society organizations. It also outlines financing mechanisms for land use planning and the establishment of a Territorial Planning Fund to implement the national land use policy and respective territorial planning tools. The law further calls for the creation of a Territorial Observatory responsible for maintaining an up-to-date database and monitoring the effective implementation of territorial planning tools. The law's 78 articles distributed in six titles aim to revolutionize current land use practices and reshape the national territory, which is strongly marked by uncontrolled urbanization, insufficient valuation and consideration of rural lands, spatial disorganization, unequal development of decentralized territorial collectivities, and degradation of the urban environment