Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world (587,295 km2) located in the Indian Ocean, some 400 km off the coast of Mozambique. The Republic of Madagascar comprises the main island and a number of small islands and is divided into six provinces and 22 administrative regions. In 2019 it had a population of some 25.68 million people with a low population density of 42.8 inhabitants per km2. 80.5% of the population live in the rural areas while 19.5% (5 million people) live in cities, of whom 2.58 million people live in major urban centres and 2.42 million in secondary urban centres.
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29 June 2024
Photo: Le Podcast des Luttes pour la Terre
Le Podcast des Luttes pour la Terre donne la parole à celles et ceux qui luttent pour l’accès à la terre et défendent les communs.
Autour d’un grand thème par épisode, le podcast interroge et fait dialoguer entre eux des organisations paysannes, des…
29 June 2024
Photo: Le Podcast des Luttes pour la Terre
Le Podcast des Luttes pour la Terre donne la parole à celles et ceux qui luttent pour l’accès à la terre et défendent les communs.
Autour d’un grand thème par épisode, le podcast interroge et fait dialoguer entre eux des organisations paysannes, des…
29 June 2024
Photo: The Struggles for Land Podcast
The Struggles for Land Podcast gives a voice to those fighting for access to land and defending the commons.
Focusing on one major theme per episode, the podcast interviews and brings together farmers' organizations, social movements, environmental protection…
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A ‘degradation myth’ has been long propagated, associating biodiversity loss primarily with the extensive ’slash and burn’ farming system, often excluding the substantive impacts from mining, plantation agriculture and commercial logging
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07 May 2024
Razina is different. Unlike most people in Madagascar, his skin is pale. His hair is blonde and his eyes are a light shade of pink. Razina has albinism.
He became aware of just how different he was at a very early age. When he arrived at school for the first time, all the other children teased…
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Around the world, insecure property rights prevent families from feeling confident about the future, businesses from investing, and communities from becoming more productive. Hundreds of millions of us lack property security. This makes the world poorer, less free, and less just.
There is a growing…
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