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Land Portal Program
Décret n°2007-1109 portant application de la Loi 2006-
031 du 24 Novebre 2006
The 2015 edition of Decree No. 2007-1109 is a legal document that implements Law No. 2006-031 of November 24, 2006, defining the legal regime of untitled private land ownership in Madagascar. The decree, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries, applies to all untitled and unregistered occupied lands, both urban and rural, subject to the provisions of other texts submitting certain lands to specific regimes. The decree establishes the conditions under which occupations can be recognized as property rights, including personal or collective, real, obvious, and permanent occupation, according to the uses of the moment and place and the vocation of the land. The Decree also provides for the creation of a specific administrative service named "Land Desk" (Guichet Foncier) by the Chief Executive of the decentralized base community. The recruitment and/or appointment of Land Desk agents, the opening hours to the public, and the documents used in the management of the Land Desk are regulated under this decree. The management documents include a chronological register of all requests for recognition of rights and the procedural phases related to these requests, a parcel register with legal and topographic data related to each plot, and a Local Land Occupation Plan (PLOF) established on the basis of a cartographic plan.
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