direito de propriedade related Blog post | Land Portal
Existem 2,395 itens de conteúdo relacionados a direito de propriedade no Land Portal.
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Deforestation in Brazil
21 Dezembro 2022
Mr. Neil Sorensen
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

Em 15 de dezembro de 2022, a equipe de Gerenciamento de Conhecimento da LAND-at-scale  foi anfitriã de um webinário sobre segurança da posse da terra revisitado: Sabemos o que precisamos saber? que apresentou as conclusões preliminares de um estudo sobre segurança da posse de terras, elaborado por Guus van Westen e Jaap Zevenbergen. A apresentação do estudo foi seguida de sessões abertas sobre a segurança da posse e sua relação com os direitos das mulheres à terra, o papel do Estado, os conflitos fundiários e o desenvolvimento econômico facilitado por especialistas e painelistas que relataram ao plenário as discussões com suas respectivas reflexões sobre os resultados do estudo.

Fonte: https://www.project-syndicate.org/
30 Março 2021
Mr. Tim Hanstad
Sri Lanka

No mês passado, um ex-ministro do governo do Zimbábue foi preso por venda ilegal de terrenos públicos. Alguns dias depois, um tribunal da Malásia condenou por corrupção o ex-presidente de uma agência de desenvolvimento agrário de terras públicas. E, em janeiro, o governo da Estônia desmoronou em meio a alegações de corrupção em negociações de propriedades. Todos estes eventos recentes puseram em foco a ameaça crescente, porém negligenciada, da corrupção ligada a terras.

Egypt irrigation
30 Março 2021
Ms. Gemma Betsema
Lisette Meij

What are the state-of-the-art and new approaches to land consolidation as part of integrated rural development strategies in North Africa and Near East? That was the main question around which several experts from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Turkey joined the FAO/ RVO roundtable discussion on land consolidation during the Second Arab Land Conference last February; a session which 110 participants attended – both in person and online.

15 Janeiro 2020
Mike Kubzansky
Hoje, temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento oficial do PlaceFund, uma organização independente sem fins lucrativos dos EUA, focada em resolver questões de insegurança dos direitos de propiedade, uso insustentável da terra e mudanças climáticas.
We cannot wait indefinitely – interim options for land reform
18 Junho 2018
Sobantu Mzwakali
África do Sul

The failure to secure the property rights of rural communities shows a clear policy gap between citizens and rights to land as per the Constitution and the attitude and practices of the state, traditional leaders, white farmers and mining companies in relation to such rights. 

5 Março 2018
Stacey Zammit
Norte de África

From the 26-28 of February, 2018, the First Arab Land Conference, organized by UN Habitat, the World Bank, the Global Land Tool Network, the League of Arab States, the Arabian Union for Surveying and the Dubai Land Department took place in Dubai.  Taking place in one of the most quickly developed parts of the region, the palpable enthusiasm felt throughout the event was because it truly was the first of its kind.  No other conference has yet brought together land experts from around the Arab world.

Property rights have a storytelling problem: 5 tips for getting the story right
18 Janeiro 2018
Yuliya Panfil

It's time to ditch the jargon and tell stories about property rights that create the impact needed for change

In a world bombarded with information, stories are everything. Strong storylines can inspire movements and shift attitudes. The “99 percent” story sparked a global conversation about income inequality, and fueled the Occupy Wall Street movement.


Autor: Rita Galvão


De forma extremamente dócil aos interesses particulares na região do Norte de Santa Catarina, o Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região, por unanimidade, negou provimento às apelações que defendiam a legitimidade da demarcação das Terras Indígenas de Piraí, Tarumã, Morro Alto e Pindoty.



About Us

The Institute for Constitutional Studies (ICS) was originally set up in 2007.  ICS has been working on constitutional and governance issues since its inception.


Develop the capacity of Public Officials, Civil Society Activists and General Public on democratic governance to achieve good governance, inclusive government and accountability

The Integrated Land Management Institute is a centre of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences (FNRSS) at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) committed to develop reputable and multidisciplinary research and public outreach activities in the field of land, administration, property, architecture and spatial planning.

It was originally established 2006 and conceived as an arm of the Department of Land Management in order to undertake applied research, consulting services, and training courses.

Revue du Centre de recherches et d'études sur les droits fondamentaux. La Revue des droits de l’homme est une revue universitaire juridique généraliste. Elle publie à rythme hebdomadaire des commentaires rapides de l’actualité sous formes de Lettre "Actualités Droits-Libertés", et de façon semestrielle un numéro de Revue comprenant notamment un dossier thématique et des articles sur sujet libre.

New America

Since 1999, New America has nurtured a new generation of policy experts and public intellectuals. Today we are a community of innovative problem-solvers, combining our core expertise in researching, reporting and analysis with new areas of coding, data science, and human-centered design to experiment and innovate nationally and globally. We prize our intellectual and ideological independence and our diversity, seeking to do our best work and to reflect the America we are becoming.


Our Work


Prindex - Perceptions of tenure security

Prindex (PRINDEX)

PRIndex, the Global Property Rights Index, is a collaborative initiative between Global Land Alliance and the Overseas Development Institute (with staff from both organisations working on the project alongside expert consultants), that aims to develop and roll out the first global measurement of peoples’ perceptions of their property rights.

Suyo is a public benefit corporation that unlocks the transformational impact of secure property rights by making it easier and more affordable for low-income families to formalize their property. Empowered with formal recognition of their property rights, low-income families have access to numerous benefits that help lift them out of poverty, such as credit, home ownership security and the ability to transfer rights.

TR Foundation.jpg

The Thomson Reuters Foundation was created to advance and promote the highest standards in journalism worldwide through media training and humanitarian reporting.

For over three decades, we have been informing, connecting and empowering people around the world through our free programmes and services.

We support our work through a combination of core annual donation from Thomson Reuters , other donations and sponsorships, through external funding from other organisations as well as grants specifically dedicated to supporting our core programmes.

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