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Issues Forest Tenure related Project
Displaying 145 - 156 of 245

Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI)


The purpose of the RFGI is to have representative local forest governance and responsible natural resource management improved in at least 10 country-based landscapes in Africa, supported with handbooks for the design and improvement of accountable and responsive local forest-governance processes. The expected results from phase I are mainly new knowledge, a set of forest governance handbooks, and increased analytical capacity in forest (environmental) governance in the region

Agropastoral Development and Local Initiatives Promotion Programme for the South-East (PRODESUD-II)


The programme, built upon the achievements of the first phase, aims to contribute to improved living conditions and rural poverty reduction, for 13,200 households in the Tataouine region, by: Improving the management and productivity of collective and private rangeland, and of rainfed and irrigated farming systems; by diversifying income sources and expanding employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups, including young people and women; and by empowering communities to take charge of their own development. On land and natural resource governance the programme is supporting the formation and networking of farmer's organization, M&E of measures to improve the management and productivity of collective and private rangeland. It further supports the communication and dissemination of knowledge regarding rangeland management activities.

Odisha Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Gropus Empowerment and Livelihoods Improvement Programme (OPELIP)


The goal of the programme is to improve the livelihoods and food and nutrition security for 32,090 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group, including 14,000 tribal households and 16,356 poor households in the regions of Eastern Ghats and Northern Plateau, through capacity building and by improving agricultural practices and community infrastructure. Support for land and natural resource governance will include measures for securing land to programme beneficiaries and providing them with land and forest titles that will be issued in the names of both husband and wife engaging the services of a specialist NGO (LANDESA). The programme will facilitate granting of community rights under the Forest Rights Act.

Project for Rural Income through Exports (PRICE)


The project aims to raise the income of 128,700 smallholder farmers households by assisting them in taking advantage of concrete income opportunities in pro-poor cash crop value chains in partnership with private operators. It will achieve sustainable increased returns to farmers from key export-driven agricultural value chains, through increased volumes and quality of production, improved marketing and effective farmer organisations. The project targets households involved in the production of coffee and tea, in sericulture and horticulture. It has a national scope, and shall comprise the Southern and Western Provinces of Rwanda for tea activities. With regard to land and natural resource governance, the project aims at participating in the implementation of the National Policy aiming at providing farmers with land titles by financing the registration and titling costs of farmers’ plots in project-supported tea plantations.

Support for Country Level Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines, Component 1


Italy is providing financial support over three years for the dissemination and effective and high quality implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Voluntary Guidelines). Component 1 of the project focuses on providing a series of 3 country level workshops in each participating country (Senegal and Niger). The overall objective of the national workshops will be to increase the ability of governments and citizens to understand and administer tenure rights and the processes involved in providing access to and transferring such rights by developing a critical mass of informed stakeholders. The aim of the workshop series (three per country) is to promote the following: a) assist participants to contribute to the improvement and development of the national policy, legal and organizational frameworks regulating the range of tenure rights and to develop concrete plans for implementing the VGGT in their countries; b) create informed communities that are able to contribute to the reform process and monitor progress over time; and c) create learning cadres that will receive further training through e-learning and blended learning planned for the future.

Support for the Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Land Tenure (Component 3, Nigeria and Uganda)


The United Kingdom is providing financial support totalling GBP 3 922 159 over three years for the dissemination and effective and high quality implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Voluntary Guidelines) which were globally endorsed by the Committee on World Food Security in May 2012 and whose implementation has been encouraged by the UK. Component 3.1 of the project includes funding for country level activities in Uganda and Nigeria. Both countries have undergone a participatory land governance assessment. The in-depth work will build on the insights of these assessments and on the dynamics generated through the awareness raising workshops and related process that the FAO will start with. Technical assistance will be provided to address specific issues raised as priorities. In Uganda, these include a review of the land use policy to address challenges caused by pressure on land in the agricultural sector; targeted studies into tenure issues relating to the rural poor; institutional capacity development and training; development of innovative approaches for recording informal, customary, and user rights. In Nigeria work will focus on issues raised in the LGAF, the workshops and the subsequently provided technical assistance will be linked to the work undertaken by the G8 Land Partnership, namely for improving transparency in the land sector, securing tenure for the population and strengthening capacities of key stakeholders. The programme will also carry out a study into the regulatory provisions and guideline requirements to establish and manage grazing reserves and stock routes.

Contribution to the Mozambican Foundation for Nature Conservation and Biodiversity - BIOFUND


The FC project is intended to contribute to the sustainable financing of the Mozambican National Park system through the financial resources of the BIOFUND environmental foundation. The aim is to ensure the long-term protection and conservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity and the sustainable use of natural resources in Mozambique's nature.