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Displaying 13 - 24 of 34

Topic guide: Land. Evidence on demand

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2014

This Topic Guide covers: the trends in and drivers of large-scale land acquisition, and the associated costs, risks and benefits; the provision of and access to more accurate data on large-scale land acquisitions, and key international and regional initiatives to provide guidelines to enhance security of tenure and promote good quality investment; land reform issues such as land tenure regularisation and land administration systems; and land issues in the context of fragile states, and conflict and post-conflict situations.

End of Desertification? Disputing Environmental Change in the Drylands

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2016
Burkina Faso
República Centro-Africana
Sudão do Sul
Ásia Central

It took scientists more than three decades to transform a perceived desertification crisis in the Sahel into a non-event. Looking beyond the Sahel, the chapters in this book provide case studies from around the world that examine the use and relevance of the desertification concept.

Test of Endurance: Addressing migration and security risks by means of landscape restoration in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
Novembro, 2018

For the African continent, the ability to manage trade-offs at a landscape scale has huge potential to influence the future of migration and conflict, as well as the future of land resources, food security and biodiversity. Integrated land management can act as an accelerator for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and can be considered an essential element of a sustainable strategy to address the root causes of irregular migration.

Terra e trabalho

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019
América do Sul

O volume I do livro Terra e Trabalho, cujo subtítulo é “Usos e Abusos do Espaço Agrário Brasileiro”, é composto por uma coletânea de autores que abordam diferentes temas atinentes à Geografia, apresentando visões e abordagens diversificadas sobre o espaço agrário brasileiro, trazidas por pesquisadores especialmente convidados para aportarem suas contribuições. Os capítulos ora trazem como área de análise a totalidade do território nacional, ora recortes regionais ou estaduais.


Reports & Research
Novembro, 2021

O termo “grilagem” remete à prática antiga de forjar um título de propriedade e colocá-lo em uma gaveta com grilos para amarelar o documento, conferindo a aparência de um documento legitimo. As táticas se modernizaram, persistindo diversas práticas, conhecidas como grilagem, que buscam fraudar títulos e invadir terras com o objetivo de apropriar- -se indevidamente de áreas tanto públicas quanto particulares, muitas vezes com o auxílio de agentes corruptos, sejam eles da esfera pública ou privada.

Expansão da soja e políticas de reforma agrária no Mato Grosso, Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
Janeiro, 2022
América do Sul

O objetivo deste artigo será expor a dinâmica da expansão da soja no estado do Mato Grosso a partir da década de 1980 e analisar os impasses que este processo impôs às políticas de reforma agrária na região. Em um contexto de enorme sucesso econômico agroexportador e de relativa retração do debate acerca da reforma agrária no país, o artigo propõe-se resgatar a atualidade da questão agrária e da luta pela terra no coração do “agronegócio”.

Housing Development, Local Land Conflicts and Sustainable Land-use Planning in Peri-urban Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
Dezembro, 2020

This paper examines the various ways local land conflicts affect sustainable land-use planning in peri-urban Ghana. In recent years, rapid urbanisation has resulted a high demand for customary lands for housing development in peri-urban areas in Ghana. Customary lands are continuously converted into housing uses; leading to eviction of indigenes from their farmlands. A mixed method approach was used to collect data from 40 participants from the research site, Aburaso.

Assessing Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Governance of Tenure: A Toolkit Approach: Lessons generated from ActionAid’s work with governments and communities

Peer-reviewed publication
Fevereiro, 2019

The livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people, particularly the rural poor, are based on secure and equitable access to and control over land and natural resources which are in turn the source of food and shelter, the basis for social, cultural and religious practices, and a central factor in economic growth.

Geo-governance of peri-urban land conflicts in Yamoussoukro (Côte d'Ivoire)

Peer-reviewed publication
Abril, 2020
Costa do Marfim

This article aims to help the governance of peri-urban land conflicts from an approach focused on the control of urban sprawl, which is the paramount characteristic of Yamoussoukro, the political Capital City of Côte d'Ivoire. The study starts with a prospective approach to this phenomenon to identify prospects for a sustainable conflict resolution. It therefore comes within the framework of the quest for a spatial cohesion to lead to social cohesion that is today undermined by a rampant urbanization.