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Relatórios e Pesquisa
Janeiro 2006

La Reforma Agraria chilena fue el resultado de una decisión política más que técnica, cuyos resultados significaron un gran avance en la dignidad del campesinado nacional, en la educación rural y positivos resultados productivos.

Janeiro 2001

The present Law lays down provisions relating to building technology and building equipment, as well as to special environmental, health and energy requirements of buildings. Furthermore, the Law also applies to parcel of lands and other constructions and facilities subject to requirements of the present Law.

Outubro 1994
Europa Oriental

First deputy chief of the Committee orders the Chiefs of district administrations, in case of carrying out mapping on location to perform re-registration, legalisation and issue of the legal documents (certificate of land ownership, certificate of life-long inheritance, certificate of open-ended (permanent use of land, lease contract) to the physical persons on the plots of land conceded for in

Dezembro 1992

The objective of the present Act is to safeguard the public interest on the occasion of transfer of land or parts thereof to guarantee an even distribution of land throughout the national territory.

Janeiro 1992
Europa Oriental

This Decree establishes that the forms of Certificate of landownership can be used provisionally, till the issues of the state legal form, as a document for lifelong ownership valid for inheritance and limitless (permanent) land lease. This Decree validates the forms of Certificate of landownership, Contract of tenancy for agricultural land, Contract of temporal leasehold of agricultural land.

Abril 1991

This Decree puts into effect the "Land Code" of the RSFSR. In the meantime the legislation of the RSFSR is applicable within the limits that it doesn't contradict the "Land Code" of the RSFSR.

Maio 1988

The present Law lays down provisions relating to land use planning and construction activities. In particular, the purpose of the Law is to use economically the soil according to the accepted principles of land use planning and to ensure and promote sound land use planning. Furthermore, all activities shall be carried out with a view to sustainable development.

Documentos e relatórios de conferência
Janeiro 1972

The Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa held at Tunis in September 1966, the Niger in association with Madagascar; presented a resolution recommending that the ECA organize a seminar on cadastre.

Julho 1968

The purpose of the present Act is the general new launch and the running of the cadastre with fixed boundaries. In particular, the Act provides for a Legal Cadastre in Austria in which boundaries are legally binding after consultation with all neighbours and a survey of all boundary points of a cadastral parcel.

Julho 1953

The present Act lays down provisions relating to land consolidation. Article 1 establishes that to improve production, working conditions in agriculture and forestry, as well as to improve general land use planning and land development, owned land may be consolidated.

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