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Comunidade Projetos de terra

Projetos e Programas Territoriais

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May 2015 - Jun 2019

Pound sterling

Pound sterling
ISO 4217 code
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LEGEND aims to improve the quality and impact of land investments so they contribute sustainably to growth while safeguarding rights and opportunities for poor people, rural and urban, and especially women. It has done this through: building policy coherence globally using internationally agreed principles and guidelines, such as the VGGT and CFS RAI principles; promoting application of emerging good practice emerging across countries; and stimulating the development of innovative tools and partnerships involving civil society, private sector and governments at global, country and local levels.

Oct 2015 - Jun 2026


ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol

The GPRLP contributes to global sustainable development goals by improving land tenure security. The project improves the land ownership and land use rights of about 2,500,000 people in the partner countries. Particular attention is paid to the rights of women and marginalised groups, such as indigenous peoples. The objective is to support people in improving their livelihoods through secure and fair access to land and in developing long-term economic prospects in rural areas. The project is currently implemented in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Niger and Uganda (previously also in Benin, Laos, Peru and Paraguay). 
The three intervention areas of the GP are: 

Mar 2019 - Dec 2026


ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol

LAND-at-scale is a land governance support programme for developing countries. The livelihood of a large part of the world’s population depends directly on having secure access to land. LAND-at-scale aims to contribute to fair and just tenure security and access to land and natural resources for all. This will lead to more sustainable and efficient use of land and natural resources for food, housing and production. It will also reduce conflicts and competing claims over land. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) carries out the LAND-at-scale programme on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands with a global network of partners. 

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