Community / Land projects / Provision of MPCA to improve access to basic needs and resilience of children and their caregivers, in conflic
Provision of MPCA to improve access to basic needs and resilience of children and their caregivers, in conflic

11/23 - 08/24
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ltpgtSave the Children (SC) draws from its extensive experience in MPCA, its sector engagement in the CWG, in Gaza, West Bank and at the national level. We aim at improving the well-being and resilience of children and their caregivers residing in conflict-affected areas within the North and Middle governorates of the West Bank. Specifically, refugees in Jenin Camp, Nour Shams Camp in Tulkarem, and Akbet Jaber in Jericho who will be targeted through the regular ltbrgtProject locations have been selected based on SCI’s assessments and in coordination with the CWG, UNWRA and other stakeholders to avoid duplication and maximize coverage. The aim of the project will be achieved through a Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance, primarily centered to ensure access to essential commodities and services and promote economic stability. The project will provide predictable financial assistance to vulnerable households to sustain their income and resilience to chronic shocks and protracted crisis. The regular MPCA, will consist of four transfers per targeted household, which value is estimated at 1,250ILS based on the CWG calculations of transfer values and recommendations. The disbursement of cash will be facilitated through the Bank of Palestine (BoP) or Palpay, with which SCI has an ongoing financial service providers’ agreement. SCI will conduct Feasibility and Risk Analysis to assess MPCA viability and appropriateness prior and during the project implementation and will monitor market and financial services functionality in case adaptive strategies will be required. ltbrgtWhen possible, SCI will promote integrated approaches with other existing programmes in targeted locations to expand the services available to target communities, notably around child protection and MHPSS, and ensure economies of project will target a total of 696 individuals (145HH). Priorities will be given to children and women highly affected by the conflict and economic insecurity, including displaced families, children and women with protection risks, families who lost their assets, women HH have none or little income and suffer from high dependency rate (within those families with PLW and/or with children under 5 years of age will be favored), and persons with disabilities. ltbrgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgt