Community / Land projects / Amazon Indigenous Rights and Resources (AIRR)
Amazon Indigenous Rights and Resources (AIRR)

08/19 - 08/24
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(USAID South America Regional): The purpose of AIRR is to strengthen the engagement of Indigenous peoples in the conservation of biodiversity in the Amazon through sustainable economic development and reduced forest loss on Indigenous lands. This will be achieved through two complementary approaches: Indigenous rights and economic interests incorporated into private and public sector development planning, and Indigenous enterprises equitably and sustainably scaled to regional and global markets..The project works with the regional federation of the Amazon (COICA), and with the national Indigenous federations of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, and Suriname. The governance of the project includes regional, national, and economic Steering Committees composed of representatives of the partner Indigenous organizations. The project supports the participation of Indigenous federations in international consultation processes such as COP15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the IUCN World Conservation Congress, and COP26 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference. At the national level, the program will initiate tripartite dialogues among the state government, companies, and communities. It will continue to improve the capacities of Indigenous groups to monitor deforestation and other environmental crimes and to improve monitoring and reporting platforms at the national level. This work allows for better representation when addressing territorial rights. A total of 25 Indigenous enterprises in Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador will be supported with FY 2021 funds. These initiatives include work on agroforestry, tourism, agribusiness, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and timber and non-timber resources..This activity contributes $1,410,005 to the Andean Amazon directive of $7,500,000; and $721,978 to Adaptation Indirect control of $1,500,000...