Community / Land projects / Land Management Activity
Land Management Activity
07/18 - 07/25
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(Liberia): .USAID's new Land Management Activity will support increased land tenure security and customary land management in Liberia. The activity will help communities secure their communal land tenure rights, rights that are provided for by the 2018 Liberian Land Rights Act (LRA). The activity will be rooted in the six-step process outlined by the LRA to manage and secure communal lands...Using FY 2021 funds, USAID will assist local communities to register and manage their customary land efficiently. As part of this process, the activity will also explore land use planning; linkages with the private sector and other USAID natural resource management activities; and potential support for the development of livelihoods approaches. The Land Management Activity will demonstrate the economic value of inclusive communal land decision-making bodies. The activity will prioritize the empowerment of women, youth, and marginalized populations, in addition to conflict sensitivity. $2.2 million of funding within this IM contributes to meeting the required DRG earmark. An additional $500,000 allocated to this IM contributes to meeting the required food security and agriculture development earmark....