Nicknamed the "country of the distant sunset," due to its western location compared to Levant countries of the Middle East, Morocco is a Maghreb country characterized by a wide variety of natural environments. Its landscapes range from snow-capped peaks to desert areas dotted with oases, arable plains, and oak and cedar forests. Over time, Morocco's rich history has shaped the way land is governed. The Islamization of the country, its colonization, and then its accession to independence successively transformed customary practices but did not entirely eliminate them. This complex history has resulted in a layered land tenure system, with different categories of land established during these various periods existing side-by-side today.
Socio-economic indicators
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Land Area
44,630,000 ha
8,058.4 USD
Total population
Urban population
62.5 %
Land-related indicators
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Agricultural land
68.1 %
Perceived tenure security
68.2 %
NewsBrowse all
25 March 2024
Au Maroc, l’entreprise fruiticole chilienne Agroberries, spécialisée dans la production et la commercialisation de baies, prévoit d’installer trois plantations de myrtilles d’une superficie totale de 300 hectares d’ici 2023. L’annonce a été faite dans un communiqué publié le mardi 8 novembre.…
25 March 2024
Imaginez un pays qui représenterait, en superficie, le cinquième du Maroc. Imaginez que ce même pays constituerait, de par son foncier, un énorme gisement de projets à même de générer des milliards de dirhams en termes d’investissements et de revenus. N’imaginez plus ! Car ce pays, s’il n’existe…
14 January 2024
Au regard de la situation actuelle de stress hydrique, les priorités doivent changer. Il est évident que le plus urgent est d’approvisionner les citoyens en eau potable, ensuite vient l’irrigation des terres agricoles. Au Maroc, la part en eau du secteur agricole est en chute libre depuis 2021.…
BlogsBrowse all
16 May 2023
<p><span id="docs-internal-guid-b6441e82-7fff-1ae8-267f-82de36dd86d9"></span>La tierra es un recurso finito, y el acceso a ella es esencial para la subsistencia de las personas y las comunidades. Para garantizar que el acceso a la tierra sea seguro y equitativo para todos, las…
EventsBrowse all
The Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt was pleased to announce the Second Arab Land Conference, organized under the patronage of the Egyptian Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities.
The Conference was organized by the Housing and Building National Research Centre (HBRC)…
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