Community / Land projects / Strengthening livelihoods, civil society and community-based natural resource management of indigenous communi
Strengthening livelihoods, civil society and community-based natural resource management of indigenous communi

01/23 - 12/23
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Chepangs and Tamangs live in the hills and mountains of central Nepal facing many types of hazard that affect both lives and livelihood.They are regarded as the most marginalized and resource poor groups in Nepal.Their tiny land holdings provide no more than 3 to 6 months of food security.The forest and overall landscape is degrading because of the human pressure in forest land.The already formed Community Forest User Groups are not functioning well because of their limited capacity.Due to lack of knowledge of efficient and sustainable agricultural practices and land-tenure rights, the communities practicing the traditional slash and burn cultivation have reduced the cultivation cycle from 3-5 years to one year.This had led to serious soil erosion problems that cause regular landslides that destroy agricultural fields and threaten the lives of people and animals. The main objective of this project is to uplift the livelihoods and food security of the Chepang and Tamang communities through agro-forestry development and improved community-based natural resource management.This is achieved by developing sound biodiversity management and sustainable livelihood activities in order to maintain, rebuild, and revitalize socio-ecological production landscape.Capacity building of CFUGs will be done to strenghten their operational capacity and women's self-help groups will be formed to promote women's empowerment and livelihood.The project will build capacities of local civil society organizations and duty-brearers and promote positive interaction between local government and Chepang and Tamang communities. The project implemented by NAFAN and supported by the Swallows supports Finland's development objectives by increasing food security and promoting sustainable use of natural resources, local democracy and participation of women in decision making. The project will strengthen local organization's capacity in community capacity building and establishing linkages between communities and local government. The project is expected to benefit directly around 2200 right-holders and 100 duty-bearers. In addition to this, approx. 3000 people are expected to benefit indirectly.