Community / Land projects / Transforming the Honduran Livestock Sector into a Low-Carbon Economy
Transforming the Honduran Livestock Sector into a Low-Carbon Economy
01/23 - 12/27
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Cattle farming in Honduras contributes significantly to the country´s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly due to enteric fermentation, manure management and deforestation. Farmers rely on traditional cattle-raising practices characterised by poor animal management and a monoculture pasture approach considering trees as a limitation and causing land degradation and deforestation. The project promotes a productive yet low-carbon livestock sector. Farmers will receive advice to initiate behavioural change and access to credit schemes based on a three-pronged approach: extension services, access to blended capital and improved framework conditions. GHG reduction will be achieved via carbon capture through improved pastures and silvopastoral systems. This project complements bottom-up approaches to install capacities in cattle farmers with top-down interventions that enhance an enabling environment for competitive and sustainable intensification of livestock production.