Community / Land projects / Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity in Nauru
Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management to improve livelihoods and protect biodiversity in Nauru
05/22 - 12/27
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
To achieve land degradation neutrality and improve ecosystem services in Nauru through integrated landscape management and conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.
Target Groups
The socio-economic benefits delivered by the Project include direct benefits enjoyed by beneficiaries, as well as indirect benefits to beneficiaries and at the national level. In terms of direct benefits, the Project will provide direct financial incentives for landowners to overcome the barrier to engage on SLM. In addition to that, beneficiaries will benefit from fiscal incentives which the Project will draft in close consultation with the private sector and with the government. These fiscal incentives, potentially in the form of tax easements or subsidies to be provided by the government, will ensure that direct financial benefits will continue to flow to landowners who engage on SLM also once the Project closes. Besides, the Project will deliver indirect benefits in the form of viable sustainable alternative livelihoods to landowners who engage on SLM, particularly in the form of sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the project will yield substantial biodiversity and Sustainable Land Management benefits, which are summarized under Section 1.a 6 Global Environmental Benefits. These will, amongst others, contribute to a substantial increase in ecosystem services, providing direct and indirect benefits to local communities such enjoyment of natural areas, spiritual and cultural appreciation of and reconnection with the land, as well as improved health of Nauru’s population.