Community / Land projects / Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project (LOT) (PAPAC) - Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project
Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project (LOT) (PAPAC) - Smallholder Commercial Agriculture Project
09/14 - 09/20
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Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The aim of the project is to continue the work undertaken by the National Family Farming Promotion Programme (PNAPAF), then by PAPAFPA, in reducing rural poverty and food insecurity. The specific objective is to provide 4,750 of the country’s most vulnerable rural households, with opportunities to access income from fair trade of their plant and animal products in niche export markets and domestic market. The project operates nationwide, specifically targeting single-parent households headed by women and households with young people. With regard to land and natural resource governance, the project will contribute to further strengthen land tenure security - which already is at a fairly satisfactory level in the country,- and focus particularly on women and youth. The project will also support the redistribution of abandoned land to poor young families from rural areas.