Community / Land projects / Shelter and NFI support to protracted and newly displaced people in Belet Weyne District, Somalia.
Shelter and NFI support to protracted and newly displaced people in Belet Weyne District, Somalia.

08/21 - 02/22
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Against the backdrop of floods that have worsened the humanitarian conditions in Belet Weyne, AVORD is submitting this proposal to contribute to improved living conditions while building resilience to future shocks. The target group will be carefully selected from 36 IDP settlements in Belet Weyne that host protracted and newly arrived IDPs in overcrowded settlements at-risk of COVID-19 outbreak and will include 9,000 men, 12,000 women, 4500 boys and 4,500 girls. Special priority will be accorded to households in deplorable shelter conditions, those who have lost household items and shelter during recent floods, persons with disabilities, female headed households and people from marginalized groups. Tentative list of target settlements in Belet Weyne along with the population per settlement and GPS coordinates are attached to the proposal. AVORD will continuously assess needs throughout the project duration to ensure that relief items are disbursed based on need, and that the most vulnerable site are always targeted. Proposed activities have been designed in close coordination with humanitarian actors and community leaders in Belet Weyne. While AVORD will be working on the provision of Non-Food Items and emergency shelters, synergies will be established with other interventions implemented by CESDO, SOYDA, LRRDO and JF in the target area to ensure that target beneficiaries receive complementary services from various agencies. For example, protection cases identified during shelter activities will be referred to SOYDA for further support, while households exposed to protection risks due to the lack of shelter as identified by SOYDA will be referred to AVORD for appropriate shelter support. Under the proposed initiative, AVORD will distribute 5,000 kit-based Non-Food Items (NFIs) to 5,000 households in Belet Weyne (Approx. 30,000 persons). In-line with shelter cluster standards, each NFI kits will contain core items such as 1 Plastic Sheet, 3 Blankets, 2 Sleeping Mats, 1 Kitchen Set, 1 double Mosquito Net, 1 Solar torch and 2 Jerrycan with the capacity of 10 liters each. Disbursement of relief items will be need-based, and will be decided in close coordination with the Shelter Cluster to ensure that available stocks are used to respond to crisis and that activities contribute to the attainment of cluster strategic objectives. Full beneficiary details including name, settlement and contact information will be captured to facilitate monitoring activities and ensure that aid is given to those in need. A Post Distribution Monitoring Exercise (PDM) will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the response and document lessons learnt. 250 households at increased protection risks will receive emergency shelters in addition to NFIs. Site planning will be an integral part of the shelter development process, thus ensuring that adequate separation between individual households exist to provide all-weather access to individual dwellings and facilities. Before construction of emergency shelters, AVORD will closely coordinate with district officials and relevant line ministries at state and national levels to secure land tenure for a minimum of 3 years. Throughout project implementation, AVORD will seek integration with other programs by humanitarian partners in the area to ensure value for money and maximize efficiency of the response.