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Community / Land projects / Alliance to develop and promote family farming in Northern Albania

Alliance to develop and promote family farming in Northern Albania


01/17 - 03/23


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PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMenT AND FOR enHANCEMenT OF FAMILY FARMING IN NORTHERN ALBANIA seeks to improve the food sovereignty and to support the sustainable socio-economic development of the disadvantaged rural communities of Northern Albania. In particular it aims at promoting the development of family farming by enhancing traditional knowledge, local speciality products, women’s role and the sustainable rural land management of the regions of Shkodër and Lezhë.
The intervention strategy is structured around four key pillars:
(1) “MOUNTAIN AREAS” – Increasing production capacity of family businesses mainly active in the ovine and caprine supply chain in the mountains areas of the Municipalities of Fushë Arrëz, Pukë and Vau Dejës.
(2) “LOWLAND AREAS” – Increasing production and reception capacity of family businesses mainly active in the fruits and vegetables supply chain and in the rural tourism sector in the lowland areas of the Municipalities of Lezhë and Vau Dejës.
(3) “MARKET” – Promoting access to the market for typical agri-food products of target areas.
(4) “RURAL WOMen” – Raising awareness among beneficiary communities of women’s role and potentiality in the rural economy by pilot initiatives.

The intervention adopts the innovative subgranting methodology in order to stimulate a pro-active approach from target groups. Indeed through the establishment of the Endowment Fund FFDF [“Family Farming Development Fund”], it is expected to disburse co-financed mini –grants to beneficiaries selected through annual Call for Proposals (CfP).
During the first year the project was able to:
i) allocate, through the mini grant schemes, resources for more than 20 farmers and breeders in the area of Puka, Fushe Arez and Zadrima;
ii) exchange good practices and organize study visits in Italy;
iii) provide specialized field assistance to farmers and breeders in the area of Puka, Fushe Arez and Zadrima.
Project concluded. Expected results achieved, as described in the project reports

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