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Community / Land projects / Developing Capacity and Action Points Amongst Key Stakeholders in Forest and Land Governance

Developing Capacity and Action Points Amongst Key Stakeholders in Forest and Land Governance


02/19 - 07/19


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In ceasefire areas such as Kayin State, Kayah State, Mon and Tanintharyi region, there is relatively weak cooperation among CSOs, ethnic armed groups and government, particularly in the contested or dual-control areas where governance is weak but the negative social impacts at the community level are grave. A nuanced understanding of the situation at the grassroots is crucial to finding constructive ways forward for better cooperation related to forest and land governance amongst community, CSOs, KNU and government to prevent current grievances escalating further. The project aims to explore grievances and challenges (to forest management) and identify ways for practical mutual collaboration to address these at the local level, thereby strengthening opportunities for peace dividends for local communities. This project proposes to engage a number of key stakeholders in the areas of forest and land governance in specific conflict affected Karen areas in Myanmar where our partner has strong community links. Through a series of workshops, meetings and dialogues, International Alert will engage with armed groups, civil society organisations and government representatives in order to facilitate trust-building and enhance communication intended to improving co-ordination between them in resolving natural resource (NR) governance issues. The ultimate aim is that improved coordination will secure improved lives and access to services and forests for poor rural, marginalised communities in ceasefire areas of mixed government / EAO control. Neglecting forestry management in conflict-affected areas historically and contemporarily is linked to increased conflict risks and highly adverse social and environmental impacts.


To build trust between EAO, government and civil society actors by exploring common challenges related to forest and natural resource management in contested areas in south-eastern Myanmar and (2) identifying ideas for potential collaboration between these actors to address these challenges and start building peace from the bottom up

Target Groups

We will target decision makers both on the GOM side and on the EAO side of KNU and DKBA to participate in the workshops (30 participants in total), as well as CSOs working on issues of natural resource management and local development (70 participants in total). The round-table discussion dialogue is targeting 70 participants from amongst the same groups. The final beneficiaries will be the communities around Thandaunggyi township (340 villages with 80,000 people) and Hpa-an township (477 villages with 396,700 people) from which the participants come.

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