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Community / Land projects / Land Governance

Land Governance


04/21 - 09/25


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In partnership with the Oxfam, the NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGOF) will work with its selected network members and Fair for All (F4A) project partners to implement the identified key activities contributing to achieve the defined outcomes of the four pathways exceptoutcome 1.1 and 4.2 which are out of the NGOF’s scope of work. Totally, the NGOF will contribute to achieve 6 of 8 outcomes of the 4 program pathways which have been defined under each of the four pathways. The NGOF is an umbrella organized working nationwide (25provinces) of Cambodia working with differnt stakeholder of Government, Private sector, NGOs, associations and community. NGOF is being secretariat facilitating and coordinating 4 networks including Agriculture <(>&<)> Water Network (50 NGOs), LAHRiN (67 NGOs), Forest Governance Network (39 NGOs), and BWG (14 NGOs). Totally, 170 NGO members who are working at the grassroot level in nationwide. The selected network members from those four networks will directly work with affected community people, especially the IndigenousPeople, youth and women to promote responsible investment and contribute to more inclusive, sustainable trade and value chains in rubber and banana that respect human rights, protect the environment and promote women’s economic empowerment. As the project aim to address issues related to human rights, and responsible investment, therefore, following key actors should be engaged: Legislators: 1- First commission of national assembly: This will be focusing on Human Rights, Complaints, and Investigation, therefore, it’s the key actors to be engaged for addressing issues related to human rights 2- Third commission of national assembly: This will be Planning, Investment, Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment, and Water Resources, therefore, it’s the key actors to be engaged for addressing issues related to natural resource management and environmental protection Government agencies: 1. General Directorate of Rubber, MAFF: 2. General Department of Agriculture (GDA), MAFF: 3. Economic Land Concession Committee, MAFF 4. EIA department, MoE 5. Ministry of Commerce 6. Ministry of Women Affaire 7. Technical Working Group (TWG) - Agriculture and Water 8. TWG - Food and Nutrition 9. National Bank of Cambodia Banking agencies and private sectors: 1. Association of Banks in Cambodia (ABC) 2. World Bank 3. Asian Development Bank (ADB) 4. Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) 5. Chinese Chamber of Commerce (Cambodia, China, European, Vietnam, and UK) 6. China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals <(>&<)> Chemicals Importers <(>&<)> Exporters (CCCMC), Ministryof Commerce of China 7. China Rubber Industry Association (CRIA) 8. Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) 9. Identified rubber and banana companies Among the identified 9 banks and companies above, the project will directly engage with ABC, AIIB, VRG, ADB, WB, CCCMC, and CRIA OBJECTIVE 1: NGOF supports sustainable and equitable governance of natural resources. (NATGOV) OBJECTIVE 2: NGOF contributes to sustainable growth through effective government and private sector partnerships (PASGRO). OBJECTIVE 3: NGOF promotes socio-economic equity in development processes. (SEED).

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