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Temáticas / Land & Investments

Land & Investments

Las inversiones en tierras abarcan una amplia gama de actividades en silvicultura, agricultura, minería, industria, infraestructuras urbanas, turismo y conservación. En teoría, las inversiones aportan capital, puestos de trabajo, transferencia de tecnología y conocimientos y desarrollo de infraestructuras. Sin embargo, la oleada de transacciones de plantaciones agroindustriales de los últimos 15 años también ha puesto de relieve los riesgos que pueden entrañar las inversiones en tierras, incluidos los conflictos por la tierra y el despojo.

Resources for Land & Investments


Bosaso Land Value Capture Research

Reports & Research
Octubre, 2024

This research examines land value capture (LVC) as a strategic tool to finance urban infrastructure and support durable solutions for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Bosaso, Puntland's largest urban
center and a key economic hub driven by its seaport, airport, and relative stability. The study, funded by the LAND-at-scale programme and commissioned by the Netherlands Enterpise Agency (RVO)

Statistical Data
Spatial Data

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Private sector tool to guide through manuals and best practices on responsible land-based investments(es)

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Enero 2011 to Enero 2014

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:


The Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is to improve access to land use and value data, property rights data, and geospatial information through the Land Registry and Cadastre system modernization.

United States Agency for International Development


The Sudan Rural Land and Governance (SRLG) project is a follow-on project to the Sudan Property Rights Program (SPRP), which assisted the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) to develop a draft land policy based on extensive public consultation and research, as well

Enero 2013 to Enero 2014

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:


The Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is to improve access to land use and value data, property rights data, and geospatial information through the Land Registry and Cadastre system modernization.

United States Agency for International Development


USAID’s Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI) supported a working group to develop the Land Registration Strategy and Action Plan. The draft strategy addresses the need to establish policies that deal effectively with all types of owners who received land as part of

Enero 2012 to Enero 2017

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:


The Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is to improve access to land use and value data, property rights data, and geospatial information through the Land Registry and Cadastre system modernization.

United States Agency for International Development


The Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP), which is supported by USAID and the World Bank, has four components: (1) Strengthening investment promotion infrastructure, facilitating secure access to land. This component promotes a secure investment climate that

Enero 2015 to Enero 2020

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:


The Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is to improve access to land use and value data, property rights data, and geospatial information through the Land Registry and Cadastre system modernization.

United States Agency for International Development


The Land Governance Support Activity (LGSA) supports the establishment of more effective land governance systems, ready to implement comprehensive reforms to improve equitable access to land and security of tenure, so as to facilitate inclusive sustained growth and

Enero 2013 to Diciembre 2017

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:


The Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is to improve access to land use and value data, property rights data, and geospatial information through the Land Registry and Cadastre system modernization.

United States Agency for International Development


Achieving long-term food security while protecting biodiversity and other ecosystem services will require: sustainable intensification of production on existing lands, restoration of degraded lands, and converting to agriculture only those lands where potential

Enero 2016 to Enero 2018

United States dollar

United States dollar
ISO 4217 code
Currency Symbol
Project duration:
Niger is a landlocked country with 80% of its land area covered by desert. Only one eighth of the country's land area can be used for agriculture and livestock. Secure access to fertile land is therefore of vital importance as the country’s population economically depends on it. This scarcity of agricultural land is magnified by the extremely high population pressure in Niger, which has the highest fertility rate in the world. Small family farms mainly have traditional land tenure and use rights, which they may formally obtain, but in reality, this is practically impossible due to the low capacity and insufficient skills of the structures in charge of land tenure. In some parts of the country, customary norms and practices restrict youth and women’s access to land, only in exceedingly rare instances do they access quality land. If women or youth are allocated marginal land, there is often no guarantee of long-term use.
Project duration:


The Ivory Coast is the largest cocoa producer in the world, and about 10% of GDP and 15% of government revenues are generated in this sector. However, as of July 2017, only 0.5% of the total agricultural land had a land certificate. At the same time, due to population growth the pressure on land increases. With a change of the forest law in 2015, the owners of land are also the owners of the trees planted on it. However, current land use contracts often remain informal and unclear.

Project duration:
United States dollar


To improve the quality and transparency of the land administration and property valuation systems.

Project duration:
The country module Ethiopia of the Global Project Responsible Land Policy is a continuation of the project “Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment” (S2RAI) implemented on behalf of the BMZ and with financial support from the European Union from March 2016 until June 2019 and thus capitalizes on previous lessons learned and products developed. Some of the main achievements include a digital land investment management and monitoring system (CAMiS), the development of contract templates, monitoring guidelines as well as the Guidelines for Social and Environmental Practices of Responsible Commercial Agriculture in Ethiopia (SECoP). Additionally, S2RAI supported the decision to redefine ceilings for agricultural investments from 1 million ha to 1,000 ha for domestic and 3,000 ha for foreign investors.
Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


Project duration:
United States dollar


The Project Development Objective is to improve access to land use and value data, property rights data, and geospatial information through the Land Registry and Cadastre system modernization.

United States Agency for International Development


Under the Evaluation, Research and Communications (ERC) project, USAID is collaborating with the private sector to road-test investment guidance such as the New Alliance’s Analytical Framework for Responsible Land-Based Investments in African Agriculture. The

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“En el corazón de la Amazonía, donde las raíces de los árboles se entrelazan y el río Putumayo murmura historias antiguas de dolor y resistencia, aún vivimos los huitoto. Somos los guardianes de la selva, los cuidadores del corazón de la tierra para el sostenimiento del planeta”.   Por Arlen…
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