Community / Land projects / Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme (OTELP)
Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Programme (OTELP)

07/03 - 03/16
This project is part of
Implementing Organisations
Data Providers
The programme aims to build the capacity of 75,000 poor households and their institutions, in the region of South-western Orissa, so that vulnerable groups, particularly women, can plan and manage their own development and negotiate improved entitlements. With regard to land and natural resource governance the key objectives of the programme include the promotion of a more efficient, equitable, self-managed and sustainable exploitation of natural resources at people's disposal and the development of non-farm enterprises for landless people. The programme supports the allocation of 0.10 acre of revenue land and titles for homestead to households and the recording of rights for all ST households up to 4 ha per household of forest land occupied by them under the Forest Rights Act.