Community / Land projects / UNDP Malawi SDG Acceleration Fund 2022/2023 UN Joint Program
UNDP Malawi SDG Acceleration Fund 2022/2023 UN Joint Program
01/22 - 12/22
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A joint HOCs concern for potential spill-over conflict from northern Mozambique’s violent insurgency led to a joint conflict assessment carried out in 2021 along the Malawi-Mozambique border districts of Mangochi, Machinga, Phalombe and Mulanje. This identified ethno-political and religious conflicts as dominant in the four districts. Potential drivers of conflict in these districts revolve around: (a) porous border security; (b) chronic poverty; (c) land ownership and access, (d) intra-and inter religious disputes, (e) human rights abuses including human/children trafficking and gender based violence.