Un proyecto periodístico pone de relieve soluciones
a los problemas de la tierra y el medio ambiente
Hace un año, gracias a una beca LEDE de la Red de Periodismo de Soluciones y en colaboración con el Land Portal, inicié un proyecto para encontrar historias de respuestas a los daños…
Un projet de journalisme met en lumière des solutions aux défis fonciers et environnementaux
Par Nieves Zuniga
Il y a un an, grâce à une bourse LEDE de Réseau de journalisme de solutions et en collaboration avec le Land Portal, j'ai lancé un projet visant à trouver des histoires de réponses…
As researchers and practitioners in the land sector, we are inspired by the possibility of strengthening women’s land rights as a way to empower women socially and economically. One such potential benefit concerns the ways in which land rights may protect women from domestic or gender-based…
En tant que chercheurs et praticiens du secteur foncier, nous sommes inspirés par la possibilité de renforcer les droits fonciers des femmes comme moyen d'autonomiser les femmes sur le plan social et économique. L'un de ces avantages potentiels concerne la manière dont les droits fonciers peuvent…
“There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact”
- Arthur Conan Doyle
India is swiftly creating world-class infrastructure that is aiming to emerge as a global manufacturing hub in the post covid world. The greenfield project of Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR) is an…
Like many countries, Mongolia has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and its government has been accelerating investments in the mining sector to help the economy. However, this has led to protests by local communities concerned about their land rights, and about their health. Among them is…
It’s that time of year again! March means International Women’s Day and the annual meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. It’s not surprising, after COP26 in Glasgow, that this year’s CSW66 links gender equality with climate change. The official theme is ‘achieving gender equality and…
C'est à nouveau la période de l'année ! Mars est synonyme de journée internationale de la femme et de réunion annuelle de la Commission des Nations unies sur le statut de la femme. Il n'est pas surprenant, après la COP26 à Glasgow, que la CSW66 de cette année lie l'égalité des sexes au changement…
“It will be fun to develop land-use planning, if we do it together.” This was a comment from one of the local land managers during 30 online workshops run by PCC to introduce new Gender Guidelines for local land management in Mongolia.
The workshops, held in November and December 2021, involved…
Por: Pedro Guzmán
Para lograr la paz y paliar el cambio climático, debe reexaminar la consideración de sus pueblos indígenas.
Durante décadas, los derechos tradicionales a la tierra de los pueblos indígenas de Myanmar han sido muy debatidos, incluyendo durante el periodo de «transición…
Day one of the 5th India Land & Development Conference was commemorated as ‘Asia Day’, a south-south knowledge-sharing and learning event. The fifth India Land and Development Conference (IDLC) is being held from November 21 to 25 this year. Asia Day witnessed seven sessions and a plenary,…
When the VGGT were endorsed, the environment was ripe for such an instrument as the world was facing a significant number of challenges regarding governance of tenure. For example, the world was facing challenges in terms of land based investments. There was an increase in conflicts related to…