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Countries Laos related News


Displaying 1 - 12 of 39
3 Noviembre 2023
  Much arable land in developing countries is inefficiently managed or lies fallow: Since this became the accepted, World Bank-endorsed narrative in 2008, it has shaped the agricultural policies of many developing countries. At the same time, it has opened the doors to private investors seeking to…
21 Junio 2023
La façon dont notre nourriture est produite, transformée, vendue et consommée a des répercussions sur notre corps, notre société et notre environnement. Si les petits exploitants sont au cœur de ce système, ils sont pourtant nombreux à ne pas profiter des avantages d’une nutrition de qualité ou de…
5 Junio 2023
Laos’ forest coverage has reached a record low of 40%, prompting the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to implement conservation measures and rejuvenation plans to protect and revive the country’s forests. According to a report from the Ministry given to Lao Security News, some 70% of Laos was…
14 Marzo 2023
Dam is key part of country’s goal to generate electricity and become ‘battery of Southeast Asia’   Main photo: Laos is planning to build a dam on the Mekong River in the area of Pak Beng, shown in this Oct. 15, 2022 photo, in Bokeo province. Local authorities in Laos last week met with villagers…
6 Marzo 2023
Illegal logging, concessions to private developers and agricultural encroachment on forest lands are jeopardizing Laos’s goal of achieving 70% forest cover density by 2035. That’s according to a recent survey by Laos’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, which pointed to an increase in illegal…
13 Febrero 2023
Questions mount over the Xayaburi Dam’s changes to water and sediment flows as the river swallows farmers’ land. Main photo: A fisherman drives his boat past dead trees that slid into the Mekong River during a riverbank collapse in August in Ban Huai Kho village in Thailand’s northeastern…
5 Octubre 2022
They were arbitrarily detained for three months for protesting against a new military camp in their village. Main photo: Lao soldiers and villagers are shown in a disputed area in Vientiane's Naxaithong district, March 25, 2022. The Lao military arbitrarily detained five land dispute protesters for…
22 Septiembre 2022
On 15-16 September, the second National Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Responsible Agriculture and Forestry Investment took place in Vientiane. Building on the success of a first Dialogue in 2021, this year’s event convened various stakeholders from the sector with the aim to review the progress of…
28 Julio 2022
The Head of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment commented on the delay of land registration during the 2nd National Assembly Session on 22 July.    Mr. Bounsom Songvilai, Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, said that the transition from analog to modern…
20 Octubre 2021
FAO is providing support to the Government of Lao People's Democratic Republic in the crafting of relevant sub-legislations under the 2019 Land Law. This process is led by the Department of Land of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. FAO's support will ensure the mainstreaming of the…
30 Junio 2021
In May 2021, the numbers of households whose land rights have been secured with the support by the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy have reached a peak: Thanks to the hard work of our partners and project teams, 110.163 households had their land legally documented by then, corresponding to…
16 Junio 2021
Trois ans après l’édition de Bangkok, le 3e Forum sur les droits fonciers dans la région du Mékong (MRLG, 2021) s’est tenu en ligne les 26 et 27 mai derniers sur le thème « Régime foncier de la forêt du Mékong : promouvoir la reconnaissance des droits coutumiers et les pratiques d’investissement…