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Countries Sudáfrica related News


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8 Marzo 2013
Smallholder farmers in Hessequa Municipality in the Western Cape, South Africa, have insufficient land, equipment, and other resources for livestock farming and crop production. Multi-stakeholder collaboration is important to address these challenges. Video:…
The prime objective of Nigeria's new housing policy is to “ensure that all Nigerians own or have access to decent, safe and sanitary housing in healthy environment with infrastructural services at affordable cost, with secure tenure”.…
Mujeres Ixil Maya escuchan el histórico juicio contra el dictador guatemalteco José Efraín Ríos Montt - - - El caso de Sudáfrica Después de casi medio siglo de vigencia, en 1994 se derribó el aparato jurídico que le daba sustento a las prácticas racistas del apartheid en Sudáfrica. El proceso…
El presidente sudafricano, Jacob Zuma, durante su discurso del Estado de la NAción, el pasado 17 de junio - - - El ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Distribución de Tierras de Sudáfrica ha publicado recientemente su plan para la redistribución de las explotaciones comerciales agrarias en el país…
South African Government (Pretoria) Via 6 AUGUST 2015 South Africa: Rural Development and Land Reform Approves Land for Women, Farm Workers and People Living With Disability   PRESS RELEASE Women, farm workers and persons with disability, were among the latest land reform…
By: Rashida Ntotela Date: January 22nd 2016 Source: Cii News It seems the African National Congress (ANC) has a long way to go in redressing the historical injustice of land dispossession, denial of access to land and forced removals in South Africa. Since coming to power in 1994, the ruling ANC’s…
By: Jenni Evans Date: January 26th 2016 Source: News24 Cape Town - A proposed new expropriation law is nearing completion, with MPs putting the final touches to a key element of the government's land reform programme. The expropriation bill is in the final stages of a lengthy drafting process…
By: Anthea Jeffery* Date: February 1st 2016 Source: Business Day Live Opinion & Analysis UNDER cover of the race debate, two senior communists (Thulas Nxesi and Jeremy Cronin) are pushing through Parliament the Expropriation Bill that will greatly harm all South Africans — especially the…
By: Ameera Daniels Date: February 2nd 2016 Source: BBQ Online  The world recently celebrated the International Day of Rural Women as set by the United Nations. The day seeks to recognise the role of rural women (referring to women residing in former homeland areas that currently fall under…
By: Jan-Jan Joubert Date: February 3rd 2016 Source: Times Live The Expropriation Bill, which will set the rules under which the state can lay claim to urban and rural property, was passed by the parliamentary portfolio committee on public works yesterday. The ANC voted in favour of the bill. The DA…
By: Leon Louw Date: February 10th 2016 Source: Business Day Live WHEN people own their homes they take home tins of paint instead of bottles of brandy. But for many black households a generation after apartheid ended little has changed; they still do not own their homes and kraals. Land…
Date: February 15th 2016 Source: SABC Civil Society will head to the Constitutional Court in Braamfontein to challenge the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act on Tuesday. The Act re-opened the land restitution process for another five years. 50 communities will hold a night vigil at the…