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Countries Sudáfrica related News


Displaying 85 - 96 of 214
15 Septiembre 2020
Handing out title deeds is not enough   Builders are busy outside Louisa Qangiso’s house in Khayelitsha, a township on the outskirts of Cape Town. The 49-year-old is putting up eight studio flats in her backyard that she will rent out for 3,000 rand ($177) per month. This could almost triple the…
12 Agosto 2020
In this land news update from South Africa we focus on: Our changing Covid 19 context The unresolved problem of farm worker evictions Budget cuts and food insecurity Contestation over land administration in communal areas in KwaZulu-Natal province The need for a digital deeds registry platform…
4 Agosto 2020
    La seconde étape du projet LAND-at-scale a vu 19 embrassades néerlandaises recevoir 24 idées. Le comité en charge du projet a sélectionné les 6 idées les plus prometteuses en vue d’un développement futur    LAND-at-scale, est un programme du gouvernement néerlandais qui contribue à améliorer la…
28 Julio 2020
The second round of LAND-at-scale resulted in 24 ideas submitted by 19 Dutch embassies. The LAND-at-scale Committee selected 6 most promising ideas to develop further.  LAND-at-scale is a government programme that contributes to improving land governance. The programme supports economic development…
7 Mayo 2020
Estão abertas as inscrições o Fundo Rapid Response, com ênfase especial na mitigação do efeito do COVID nos direitos das mulheres. O fundo destina-se a atividades discretas e projetos curtos, incluindo mecanismos de entrega que permitiriam uma resposta rápida e oportuna a eventos imprevistos, nos…
29 Abril 2020
Weeks 14 – 17: Monday 31 March – Sunday, 26 April 2020 With South Africa in extended lockdown much of our news focuses on land news related to Covid-19. As South Africa’s confirmed cases rise to over 4361 with 86 confirmed deaths (26 April 2019), there are growing concerns about food security,…
29 Abril 2020
Urban land Our urban land pages have been filled with the struggles of people living in townships and informal settlements during the pandemic. One of the controversial state responses to Covid 19 has been to propose the ‘thinning’ of densely settled areas in a bid to slow the speed of community…
27 Abril 2020
Weeks 14 – 17: Monday 31 March – Sunday, 26 April 2020 With South Africa in extended lockdown much of our news focuses on land news related to Covid-19. As South Africa’s confirmed cases rise to over 4361 with 86 confirmed deaths (26 April 2019), there are growing concerns about food security,…
26 Abril 2020
Estão abertas inscrições para o Prêmio GoGettaz Agripreneur Prize, que é uma competição pan-africana de jovens empreendedores (as) inovadores (as) que buscam a oportunidade de financiamento de projetos no setor agroalimentar no continente Africano.   As inscrições serão julgadas para premiar dois…
8 Abril 2020
Barraco destruído em eThekwini após ação de uma empresa de segurança privada contratada pela prefeitura - Abahlali baseMjondolo   Autorização foi concedida pelo tribunal de Durban, costa leste do país; nas demais áreas, os despejos seguem proibidos   Pelo menos quatro despejos foram registrados…
2 Abril 2020
The immediate and forthcoming disruptions of food production, value chains and access to food in South Africa due to confinement measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 create enormous food security risks for already vulnerable households.
26 Marzo 2020
Uncovering South Africa's land information ecosystem Land issues are at the heart of South Africa's struggles to overcome the legacy of over 300 years of white minority rule and apartheid. In spite of extensive land reforms to change the historic patterns and achieve justice in South Africa, land…