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Land & Investments
COVID-19 related content

Displaying 13 - 24 of 61

More women are going to be sexually abused and forced to lose their land to the rich/investors as Uganda goes into a semi lockdown of 42 days

10 Junio 2021

Opondo Cathy, (not real name due to the sensitivity of the matter), has never owned even a small radio in her entire life. This is a clear indication that the villager may not be aware of critical developments in the country. And this does not come as a shock, since the first time she heard the news of the COVID-19 in Uganda was when she visited her neighbor who’s 500 meters away from her home, barely a month after Uganda had even registered a first case COVID-19.

Agro-industrie : Samuel Nguiffo tire les leçons des échecs de Neo Industry et Pac dans la Vallée du Ntem

05 Mayo 2021

(Investir au Cameroun) - Le 5 mai 2021, le Premier ministre (PM), Joseph Dion Ngute, a signé un décret annulant l’incorporation dans le domaine privé de l’État de plus de 66 000 hectares de terre dans le département de la Vallée du Ntem, dans la région du Sud du Cameroun.

La COVID-19 et les droits fonciers communautaires au Liberia : Une histoire de résilience et d’espoir

21 Abril 2021
Daniel Krakue

Aux quatre coins du monde, la pandémie de COVID-19 a généré toute sorte de difficultés inédites pour les organisations membres du réseau RRI et leurs communautés. Dans de nombreux cas, elle a aussi donné lieu à des  nouvelles possibilités d’autonomie pour les communautés locales. C’est l’une de ces opportunités qu’a saisi l’organisation Social Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development (SESDev), une ONG libérienne spécialisée dans les droits de gouvernance sur les ressources naturelles.

Strengthening the land rights of local communities and women in forest areas

26 Mayo 2021
Daniel Hayward

The task of opening a large event is never easy. Within a short space of time, you need to set out a clear agenda, freshening the perspective of the viewer, and then clear the decks for discussion to move forwards rather than retread old ground. Following some introductory greetings from Jean-François Cuénod of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Micah Ingalls (Team Leader MRLG) took up the challenge.

3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum

26 Mayo 2021 - 27 Mayo 2021

Mekong Region Land Governance
Land Portal Foundation
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Government of Luxembourg
Land Equity International
Groupe de Recherches et d'Echanges Technologiques
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Reconstruire en mieux

Reports & Research
Mayo, 2020

COVID19 a gravement perturbé nos efforts communs visant à soutenir les luttes des utilisateurs locaux des terres et des communautés pour posséder, contrôler et gérer leurs terres et leurs ressources naturelles.

Responsible Land-Based Investments: Interview with Nathaniah Jacobs

12 Mayo 2021
Nathaniah Jacobs

As part of the launch of the Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 2.0, the Land Portal spoke with Nathaniah Jacobs, Senior Researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development, to hear more about the Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN) project. The Navigator is positioned to be a valuable tool and resource for ALIGN stakeholders. 

ONU abriga Fórum Indígena com foco em paz, justiça e instituições fortes

22 Abril 2021
ONU News

A 20ª sessão do Fórum vai desta segunda-feira até 30 de abril; participam da abertura o secretário-geral e o presidente da Assembleia Geral da ONU; próximo ano, ONU celebrará a Década Internacional das Línguas Indígenas até 2032. 

As Nações Unidas acolhem nesta segunda-feira a 20ª sessão do Fórum Permanente sobre Assuntos Indígenas da ONU. O evento virtual deve terminar em 30 de abril.  

Día de Lucha Campesina: en Amigos de la Tierra reivindicamos la importancia del sector agrario y ganadero en tiempos de emergencia sanitaria por el COVID-19.

17 Abril 2020

 Con motivo de la celebración internacional del Día de la lucha campesina, 17 de abril, reivindicamos la importancia de las personas que nos alimentan, sumándonos a la campaña #SOSCampesinado.
• Exigimos al Gobierno que garantice la continuidad de la venta directa, así como la autoproducción en las huertas.