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Decreto Legislativo Nº 667 - Ley del registro de predios rurales.

América del Sur

La Ley consta de 3 títulos, 35 artículos, 4 disposiciones transitorias y 14 finales. INDICE: Registro de predios rurales (I): Disposiciones generales (1), Títulos inscribibles (2), Inscripción de la propiedad de predios rurales (3), Inscripción de la posesión de predios rurales (4), Planos necesarios para la inscripción (5); Disposiciones transitorias (II); Disposiciones finales (III).La presente Ley crea el Registro de Predios Rurales, que formará parte del Registro Predial (art. 1º).

Decreto Supremo Nº 057/92/AG - Reglamento de organización y funciones del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT).

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Supremo, que consta de 2 artículos, aprueba el Reglamento de organización y funciones del Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural (PETT), creado mediante el Decreto Ley Nº 25.902 del 27 noviembre de 1992. El PETT tiene por objeto realizar las acciones necesarias para perfeccionar la titulación para el registro de los predios rurales en todo el territorio nacional, utilizando para ello la base catastral existente.

Ley Nº 26.838 - Modifica la Ley del registro de predios rurales.

América del Sur

El presente Decreto Legislativo modifica los artículos 23 y 26, y el capítulo V del Decreto Legislativo Nº 667 de 1991, Ley de Registro de Predios Rurales. Establece que una vez inscrito el derecho de posesión, el registrador deberá ordenar la notificación de esta inscripción al propietario, a los colindantes y a los vecinos del predio rural mediante carteles (art. 23).

Ley Nº 7.599 - Titulación de tierras ubicadas en reservas nacionales.

Costa Rica
América central

La presente Ley, que consta de 18 artículos, dispone que el Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario llevará a cabo programas múltiples de titulación de tierras en zonas del país determinadas por la Junta Directiva de ese Instituto y que sean parte de las reservas nacionales; asimismo donde exista por lo menos una proporción del 20 por ciento de poseedores de fincas no inscritas en el registro público y cuyas cabidas no sean superiores a 300 hectáreas (art. 1º).

Law on Natural Resources (No. 1102-XIII).

Europa oriental

This Law regulates the use, management and protection of natural resources in the interest of ecological safety and economic development. It is composed of ten chapters and four annexes. After defining and classifying natural resources (renewable, non-renewable, national, local, reserved and protected, curative, i.e. used for prevention and treatment of illnesses) (chaps. 1 and 2).

Deed Registries Act (Chapter 20:05).

África oriental

The 7 Parts of this Act are entitled as follows: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Registration, with special provisions relating to women (III); Registration of land (IV); Bonds (V); Rights in immovable property (VI); General (VII).This Act provides for the establishment of deeds registries, for the appointment of registrars of deeds as well as for the registration of deeds and conventional hypothecations and matters incidental to the foregoing.

Act No. 4.504 regulating rights and obligations regarding rural real estates in order to implement the Agricultural Reform and to promote the Agricultural Policy.

América del Sur

This Act regulates the rights and obligations regarding rural real estates in order to implement the Agricultural Reform and to promote the Agricultural Policy. It is divided into 4 Parts composed of various Chapters.Part 1 is divided as follows: Principles and definitions (chap. I), defining types of agricultural land, associations, companies, cooperatives, etc.; Agreements (chap. II), laying down agreements between the agricultural Federal agents and the Brazilian Institute for Agricultural Reform which shall represent the central Government; Chapter III concerns (a) Public (sect.

Land Act ([RSBC 1996] Chapter 245).

América Septentrional

The 8 Parts of this Act are entitled as follows: Land districts and recording districts (Part 1); Disposition of Crown land (2); Application procedure for disposition of Crown land (3); Disposition of Crown land - Cancellation, amendment and abandonment (4); Crown grants (5); Trespass on Crown land (6); Surveys (7); Additional powers (8).The Act regulates Crown land and its disposition, which is defined in section 1 as "the act of disposal or an instrument by which the act is effected or evidenced, or by which an interest in Crown land is disposed of or effected, or by which the government

Land Title Inquiry Act ([SBC 2004] Chapter 66).

América Septentrional

This Act regulates land title inquiries for fee simple titles, for interests in land, or for government title to land. Inquiries may be initiated on application by the interested party to the Supreme Court in the form of a petition (sects. 1 and 2). In case of a contest of title etc., the Court may either decide on the evidence before it, direct any issue to be tried by a jury or defer the declaration until further investigation (sect. 17). A model for an order of the Court containing a declaration of title is specified in section 23.

Act concerning the independent status of the State Cadastre Office (Cadastre Organization Act).

Países Bajos
Europa occidental

The scope of this Act is to give more autonomy to the Cadastre and Public Registers Department. Article 2 provides for the establishment of Cadastre and Public Registers Agency which shall be responsible for the keeping and administration of Public Registers pursuant to provisions of the Cadastre Act. Chapter 2 makes provision for the Board and the Supervisory Board of the Agency. The Board is vested with the management of the Agency (art. 7). The Supervisory Board shall supervise the Board's management and the general course of affairs in the organization of the Agency.