Numero non thématique
Revue internationale des forts et des industries forestires
Numero non thématique
Revue internationale des forêts et des industries forestières
Beyond timber: social, economic and cultural dimensions of non-wood forest products in Asia and the Pacific
Livestock and the Environment - International Conference
One of the greatest challenges faced by mankind is to satisfy the needs of the fast growing global population and at the same time preserve land, water, air and biodiversity resources. Livestock are a crucial element in this balancing process. Demand for livestock products is growing fast, especially in the developing world. Livestock, through their multiple functions, are a cornerstone of the livelihood of most of the rural population in the developing world.
Número no temático
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Living in and from the forests of central Africa
This brief is based on">Vivre et se Nourrir de la foret en Afrique centrale
Guidelines: land evaluation for extensive grazing
Extensive grazing is the predominant form of land use on at least a quarter of the world’s land surface, in which livestock are raised on food that comes mainly from rangelands. Extensive grazing differs from crop or forestry production, in which the produce remains in situ whilst growing. Evaluation for extensive grazing, unlike that for cropping or forestry, must take into account the production of both grazing forage, termed primary production, and the livestock that feed on this forage, termed secondary production.
Recent Research and Development on White Clover in Europe
Número no temático
Revista internacional de silvicultura e industrias forestales
Non-thematic issue
An international journal of forestry and forest industries
Los bosques del Mediterráneo
En este nmero de Unasylva se examinan algunas de las mltiples facetas de la actividad forestal mediterrnea