Minutes of the Experts Group Meeting Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean
Minutes of the Experts Group Meeting about Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Minutes of the Experts Group Meeting about Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Presentación de Paola Siclari Introducción de la Reunión de Expertos Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe
Presentation by Katia Araujo, Director of Programs, Huairou Commission, for the Experts Group Meeting on Responsible Land Governance and Security of Tenure in Latin America and the Caribbean, held in San José, Costa Rica, in July, 2016. Huairou Commission: Women, Homes and Community
Registro de la Reunión de Expertos en Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura de Suelo en América Latina y El Caribe
Presentación Paola Siclari Introducción al Estudio - Gobernanza Responsable y Tenencia Segura del Suelo en América Latina y Caribe
Apresentação de Francisco Sales Albuquerque, Procurador de Justiça Cível, Ministério Público de Pernambuco, Brasil. Segurança da Posse: a Responsabilidade do Sistema de Justiça no cumprimento e efetivação da legislação nacional e internacional relativa ao Direito à Cidade - um olhar para a experiência de regularização fundiária em Zonas Especiais de Interesse Social ZEIS na cidade do Recife
Land and the New Urban Agenda - Briefing Note for POLICY MAKERS
Statement proffered at Habitat III Informal Hearing with Stakeholders Panel 4 Effective Implementation, June 7th 2016, by Maria Luisa Alvarado, representing Habitat for Humanity International Latin America and the Caribbean region, and speaking as a member of the Civil Society Organization Partner Constituent Group of the General Assembly of Partners.
Presentación Diego Restrepo durante la Reunión de Expertos sobre Gobernanza Responsable del Suelo y Tenencia Segura en América Latina y Caribe, en San José, Costa Rica, Julio 2016.
LAND AND THE NEW URBAN AGENDA Land underpins all the key aspects of the NEW URBAN AGENDA because it is a key driver for inclusive and sustainable urban development
As the world is urbanizing, many cities are grappling with a population that is growing rapidly, thereby increasing demand for land and housing. This pressure on land and housing markets often is exacerbated by inappropriate or inadequate policies. The result is a supply of well-located land and housing that falls well short of demand and the proliferation of poorly serviced informal settlements, many of which are located far from jobs, city services and amenities.
Apresentação de Evaniza Rodrigues, Brasil, para a Reunião de Especialistas sobre Governança do Solo e Segurança de Posse na América Latina e Caribe, realizada em San José, Costa Rica, em Julho 2016. Função social da propriedade urbana: a cidade não é um negócio, a cidade é de todos nós.