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Forestry Development Master Plan 1996 – 2020.

National Policies
África occidental

The overall aim of the present Forestry Development Master Plan is to provide a basis for achieving sustainable utilization and development of forest and wildlife resources, modernization of the timber industry and conservation of the environment, and thereby ensure realization of the objectives of the Forest and Wildlife Policy. At the same time, the various proposals have had to take account of the need to improve the state of the environment, the complexities of land tenure and the importance of appropriate and efficient land use.

National Forest Policy.

National Policies
América central

In response to the new strategy for management, conservation, and sustainable development of Belize’s forests, the Government has developed a new National Forest Policy in 2015.

National Forest Plan 2002.

National Policies
África oriental

The Goal of the present cross-sectoral National Forest Plan (NFP) is formulated as follows: “An integrated forest sector that achieves sustainable increases in economic, social and environmental benefits from forests and trees by all the people of Uganda, especially the poor and vulnerable”.The objectives of the NFP are: 1) To raise the incomes and quality of life of poor people through forestry developments, targeting sustainable livelihoods amongst small-scale, mainly rural stakeholders, with strategies based on-farm, in natural forests or off-farm; 2) To increase economic productivity an

Uganda Forestry Policy 2001.

National Policies
África oriental

The overall Vision of the present cross-sectoral Forest Policy is formulated as follows: “A sufficiently forested, ecologically stable and economically prosperous Uganda”. Part 2 concerns Guiding Principles for the Forest Sector building on the government's national development priorities of poverty eradication and good governance.

Marco Estratégico Agrario. Directrices Básicas 2009- 2018.

National Policies
América del Sur

Este documento, de carácter multisectorial, constituye el marco estratégico para el desarrollo del sector agrario en todo el territorio nacional, relativamente al período 2009-2018. El propósito del Marco Estratégico Agrario (MEA) es servir de instrumento para el desarrollo del sector agrario y así contribuir a elevar el nivel y mejorar la calidad de vida de los actores del sector, así como de la población paraguaya en su conjunto.

Rural Development Policy and Strategies.

National Policies
África oriental

The present Rural Development Policy and Strategies underscores one basic objective with regard to economic development, i.e. to build a market economy in which: i) a broad spectrum of the Ethiopian people are beneficiaries; ii) dependence on food aid is eliminated; and, iii) rapid economic growth is assured. Given the dominance of agriculture in the Ethiopian economy, i.e. agriculture contributes to about 80% of employment, the rural development effort is presently associated with agricultural development.Part Two focuses on “Rural and Agricultural Development Policies and Stragtegies".

Food Security Strategy.

National Policies
África oriental

The present Food Security Strategy (FSS) updates the original one of 1996 by sharpening the strategic elements to address food insecurity based on lessons learned. In recognition that the pursuit of food security is a long-term and multi-sector challenge, institutional strengthening and capacity building is included as a central element of the Strategy.

Le Programme d’Action National aux fins de l’Adaptation (PANA).

National Policies
República Centroafricana
África Central

Face aux changements climatiques avec des conséquences négatives sur la croissance et le développement, la République Centrafricaine (RCA) a élaboré le Programme d’Action National aux fins de l’Adaptation (PANA) basée sur une approche participative. Son objectif est de contribuer à atténuer les effets néfastes des changements climatiques sur les populations les plus vulnérables, dans la perspective d’un développement durable.

Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP), 2011-2015.

National Policies
África occidental

The present Medium Term Agriculture Sector Investment Plan (METASIP), 2011 is informed by the following vision: “a modernised agriculture culminating in a structurally transformed economy and evident in food security, employment opportunities and reduced poverty”.Chapter 2 provides a summary review of the performance of the agriculture sector, including trends in crop production and productivity, livestock and fish production, imports and exports of agricultural commodities, and nutrition levels.

Política Nacional de la Quinua.

National Policies
América del Sur

Este documento tiene por objeto la Política Nacional de la Quinua, un instrumento de cobertura nacional cuyo objetivo general consiste en promover, fomentar e implementar el desarrollo sostenible y sustentable del complejo productivo de la quinua, articulando a los actores productivos, para conformar entramados productivos integrados, articulados y diversificados, con la participación de los actores en procesos de producción, beneficiado, transformación e industrialización y comercialización, todo ello para alcanzar la seguridad alimentaria con soberanía nacional.

Strategy for Agricultural Development in Georgia 2015-2020.

National Policies
Asia occidental

The Vision of the Agriculture Development Strategy of Georgia is to create an environment that will increase agricultural competiveness, promote stable growth of high quality agricultural production, ensure food safety and security and eliminate rural poverty through the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas.The medium and long term main policy directions are outlined in Chapter 3 as follows: i) Promote equitable increases in rural incomes to achieve sustainable livelihoods and food security for all income groups; ii) Maintain the safety of food supplies to protect the publ

Política Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Integral.

National Policies
América central

El presente documento, de carácter multisectorial y cobertura nacional, contiene la Política Nacional de Desarrollo Rural Integral, cuyo objetivo general consiste en lograr un avance progresivo y permanente en la calidad de vida de los habitantes de los territorios rurales, a través del acceso equitativo y uso sostenible de los recursos productivos, medios de producción, bienes naturales y servicios ambientales, para alcanzar el desarrollo humano integral sostenible en el área rural.