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Issues Restauración de paisajes forestales related Blog post
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Los indígenas son imprescindibles para un planeta más saludable

09 Agosto 2021



El 17 de febrero de este año, a causa de la covid-19, murió Aruká Juma, el último anciano del pueblo juma en la selva amazónica del Brasil. Según la ONG Instituto Socioambiental, él es uno de los más de mil indígenas que han muerto por el coronavirus en el Brasil, donde la pandemia ha afectado a más de 150 comunidades originarias.

The advantages and implications of "soft law" instruments like the VGGT

24 Mayo 2021
Louisa Jansen

Instruments like the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) are "voluntary", i.e., legally non-binding. These instruments are intended to have a direct influence on the governance of the tenure practice of states by providing an internationally recognized set of principles, and by simultaneously encouraging good practices.

La gestión de los bosques intactos por parte de los pueblos indígenas es clave para el planeta

25 Enero 2020
Julie Mollins

El reconocimiento de derechos es crucial para abordar el calentamiento global y el cambio climático

Los pueblos indígenas han tenido durante milenios un historial de gestión sostenible de los paisajes. Sin embargo, las incursiones en sus territorios, a menudo por colonos involucrados en la extracción de recursos naturales o la agricultura, han fracturado sus derechos históricos de tenencia, desmantelando o poniendo en riesgo los medios de vida, la vida silvestre y los ecosistemas.

Closing Data Gaps to Eliminate Deforestation and Land Disputes from Beef Supply Chains in Paraguay

01 Noviembre 2019
World Resource Institute

In the last 15 years, Paraguay lost a greater share of its forest than almost any other country on Earth. While soy farming once drove deforestation in the east, the focus of Paraguay's forest loss has since moved west to the low-lying, thorn-forested Chaco, where cattle ranching has claimed over 3.7 million hectares (9 million acres) of forest for pastureland – an area about the size of the Netherlands – between 2001 and 2015.

Deforestation and forest degradation in the Amazon Biome

26 Mayo 2019


The Deforestation and Forest Degradation in the Amazon Biome map was produced by Imazon in order to contribute towards monitoring in the region. The methodology applied simultaneously generates mapping of deforestation and forest degradation [caused by logging activity and forest burning] using Landsat satellite images. Existing methods individually detect and map those processes, which can lead to overlaps in the results and increasing uncertainty in estimates of annual deforestation rates.