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Processo de Reassentamento em Palma: longe do direito à informação!

Journal Articles & Books
Septiembre, 2016

As comunidades a serem reassentadas e as hospedeiras, do Distrito de Palma, Província de Cabo Delgado, em consequência da implementação do Projecto de Gás Natural Liquefeito continuam na incerteza, quanto ao seu futuro. Não sabem quando deixarão suas terras para os novos lugares e nem conhecem o Plano de Reassentamento, que se diz terem aprovado e assinado. Por outro lado, por instruções de quem de direito, os lideres das comunidades abrangidas restringem quaisquer contactos de indivíduos ou grupos de pessoas visitantes, com as comunidades locais.

Socio-Economic Effects of Chinese Agricultural Investments on the Environment and Local Livelihoods in Uganda

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septiembre, 2016

The nature and significance of China's engagements with African agriculture continues to be hotly debated in the media, academia and policy circles around the world. Although China has been engaged in Uganda’s agriculture for more than 40 years, the recent jostle for agricultural land by private Chinese investors is dystifying and justifies the need to conduct a scientific study to provide clear evidence before the issue gets bundled into the messy anecdotal media inquiry.

China-Africa forest trade and investment

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

China’s investment and trade in Africa’s natural resource sectors have significant implications for Africa’s forests. Many investments are in forest areas. Some directly engage in logging while others, such as mining, infrastructure and agribusiness, affect forests and rural livelihoods. This report provides an overview of trends, evidence and issues related to the impacts on forests of Chinese investments in four African countries: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and Uganda.

RISD’s intervention in pro-poor land policy implementation in Rwanda

Reports & Research
Septiembre, 2016

Impact of an intervention by the Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (RISD) in contributing to the implementation of pro-poor and equitable land policies. Through evidence-based awareness raising efforts, dialogue, advocacy and networking, RISD was able to influence policy implementation and promote the land rights of poor and vulnerable groups, including women. 

Violência contra os Povos Indígenas no Brasil – Dados de 2015

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2016

Até quando?

Dom Roque Paloschi*
* Presidente do Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi) e arcebispo de Porto Velho

“Quero ver o direito brotar como fonte e correr a justiça qual riacho que não seca”
Profeta Amós 5,24

O Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi) acolhe com carinho o apelo do Papa Francisco quando nos diz:  

Manual para defender os direitos dos povos indígenas

Journal Articles & Books
Julio, 2016

INTRODUÇÃO Apesar do importante avanço registrado em matéria de proteção dos direitos dos povos indígenas no cenário internacional, muitas organizações, povos e pessoas indígenas desconhecem os instrumentos internacionais que protegem seus direitos, assim como os mecanismos existentes para os fazer cumprir. O presente manual pretende, portanto, oferecer a pessoas e povos indígenas, assim como às organizações que os representam e defendem informações e ferramentas concretas que possam contribuir com a defesa de seus direitos.

Relatório da missão ao Brasil da Relatora Especial sobre os direitos dos povos indígenas

Reports & Research
Julio, 2016

Nota do Secretariado

O Secretariado tem a honra de transmitir ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos o relatório da Relatora Especial sobre os direitos dos Povos Indígenas, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz sobre sua missão ao Brasil de -7 a 17 de março de 2016. O objetivo principal da visita foi identificar e avaliar os assuntos mais importantes que atualmente enfrentam os povos indígenas no país e acompanhar as principais recomendações feitas em 2009 pelo anterior titular do mandato.

Arrests and harassments of human rights defenders in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2016

This briefing note call attention to the ongoing situation of harassments and arbitrary arrests of human rights defenders in Loliondo in northern Tanzania.It offers an account of the recent events taking place in the area and background information.

IWGIA believes that these developments are a cause of great concern. The detentions, harassment and trumped up charges undermine civil society and other stakeholders, limiting their options to carry out human rights work in Tanzania.

Report on National level Consultation Meeting on National Land Policy_Bangladesh

Policy Papers & Briefs
Julio, 2016

A National Level Consultation meeting on draft National Land Policy conducted on August 8, 2016. The national level consultation meeting was jointly organized by Strengthening Access to Land Equality for All Citizens of Bangladesh Project and Sustainable Access to Land Equality Project. With the leadership of Ministry of Land, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh along with 12 relevant ministries has been working in the technical committee for drafting the policy.

Strengthening Women's Voices in the Context of Agriclutural Investments: Lessons From Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
Julio, 2016

This report, which focuses on Kenya, constitutes one of four country-wide assessments produced under the overall project. It draws on a literature review conducted by the Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) with additional inputs from IIED, as well as on primary field research conducted by KLA in April 2016 (see Section 1.2 for further information about the research methodology).