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Analysis of rural landscape structure use in Southern Lithuania

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

Rural landscape of the southern part of Lithuania as well as its use is analysed in the article. The defects of land reclamation system cause the rise of deserted lands. Dampness and bagged up soils are a large obstacle for the proper use of deserted lands. One more reason is lands of low productivity. The third reason of the rise of deserted lands is the shortage and default of perspective farmers and agricultural companies who are able to lease and cultivate land.

Research on the preconditions of land consolidation in rural districts

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

The concept of land consolidation is new in Latvia. Its main tasks are to eliminate land fragmentation and to facilitate farms of optimal size. One of the most important preconditions of land consolidation is forming of optimal size farmland plots in property and use, and land fragmentation, which has a major impact on both the operating conditions and other rural development processes. Land fragmentation affects not only land management, but it also increases transport costs.

Developing land consolidation concept and strategy in the Republic of Moldova

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

In the paper short data on the results of implementation of pilot land consolidation projects in 6 villages of the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2009 are presented. As a result it became possible to accumulate the experience necessary for extension of these works in scales of all country. Simultaneously a number of difficulties and problems have been identified. It will be difficult to realize these works without elimination of them.

Long term impact of afforestation on soil morphology and properties

Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2011

Changes in soil morphological, physical and chemical properties as a result of establishing forest on agricultural lands were studied using as an example the lands naturally overgrowing in different periods of time by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.), silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), grey alder (Alnus incana (L.) Moench) and aspen (Populus tremula L.). The research results showed that the soil with a texture of sandy loam and loam retains the morphological properties of agricultural land for up to 100 years.

Land in the system of real estate objects and features of tax application in Latvia

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

Since the economic recession in Latvia, the national debt in September 2010 amounted to 4.717 billion lats. The study confirms significant impact of downward trends of the economy of Latvia on the national budget performance indicators in 2009. One of the most commonly mentioned and controversial indicator is the real estate tax that has to be imposed also on the land. The aim of this study is to analyse and assess the system of the Land Fund of Latvia and features of tax application.

Content and application possibilities of evaluation methods in real property cadastral assessment in Latvia

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

Regulations require that real property cadastral assessment should be used internationally recognized real property evaluation methods - the method of comparison, cost method and income capitalization method. The study assessed content and nature of evaluation methods. The studied, which the evaluation methods today are likely to use in the cadastral assessment and which depends on the database of stored information. The main conclusion of the study is that the cadastral assessment using as many methods possible to obtain a more objective cadastral value.

On the improvement of land management schemes and programs of social and economic development of the administrative districts in the Republic of Belarus

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

The article provides with a description of sectorial and regional planning in the Republic of Belarus which consists of a hierarchically organized system of socio-economic development programs of the republic, its regions and districts as well as the complex of documents of regional planning. Being under development the land tenure schemes for administrative districts should be most closely linked to the Programs of socio-economic development of the districts. For the next five-year plan it’s proposed the standard structure of the document.

Experience analysis and sample distribution problems in local level landscape monitoring

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

After summarizing experience of various countries in the field of landscape monitoring, it appears that the real changes of landscape have to be observed in a large scale (not smaller than 1:10,000) in order to avoid generalization of small landscape elements.

Soil quality assessment impact on the real property cadastral value

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

Land quality assessment is one of the most important characteristics that affect the real estate cadastral value, which is used as the base value for the rural cadastral evaluation. The study evaluated soil quality assessment in the parishes of Latvia. The study deals with the analysis of the agricultural land area and the evaluation of the county real property expert survey results. The study has led to the conclusion that the soil quality assessment is important data for the determination of cadastral value.

Key social economic aspects of sustainable land management in the Baltic Countries

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

The paper explores primarily social economic aspects of sustainable land management that vary among the Baltic countries. Land and associated to it valuable resources form the basis for any land use, land development and land protection activities, and thus – provide social economic benefits. The study is related to supervision of enforcement of the regulatory enactments that should be suitable to both the particular social economic distinctions and traditions.

Problems of real property taxation in Lithuania

Conference Papers & Reports
Diciembre, 2011

There are three main real property taxes in Lithuania and all of them are applied to different persons and are calculated using different methodology. The revenue from real property taxes in different countries varies from 0.1% to 3% of GDP but in Lithuania it is even less than 0.1%. This revenue is allocated to municipal budget. Improvement of real property taxation system, changes in taxable value or introduction of new real property tax can increase revenue from taxation and encourage municipalities to improve living surrounding and infrastructure.