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Bản tin Chính sách - Đổi mới Hưởng dụng Rừng ở Việt Nam

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Julio, 2011

Dự án này do Hội đồng Nghiên cứu Kinh tế và Xã Hội Vương quốc Anh, có sự tham gia của các nhà hoạch định chính sách, các chuyên gia lâm nghiệp và người dân liên quan đến lâm nghiệp cộng đồng tại Việt Nam. Dự án này nhấn mạnh những vấn đề chính về quản lý rừng và vận động thay đổi chính sách ở cấp quốc gia về quyền hưởng dụng rừng cà quản lý rừng cộng đồng.

Oil Palm Expansion in South East Asia: Trends and implications for local communities and indigenous peoples

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Junio, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

This publication is focused on oil palm expansion and land tenure in several Southeast Asian palm oil producing countries (the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia) and cross-compares their experiences with the facts and myths, stories and lessons learned from other palm oil producing countries, more specifically, Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.

Bâtir sur les succès de l’agriculture Africaine

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2010

Les nouvelles sur l’état de l’agriculture en Afrique sont en grande partie décourageantes, mais on entrevoit des lueurs d'espoir. Quelques efforts stimulants réalisés par des agriculteurs et chercheurs africains au cours des dix dernières années ont sensiblement augmenté la productivité agricole dans certains pays et pour certains produits.

Sistemas Agroforestales, Segurudad Alimentaria y Cambio Climático en Centroamérica. Resumen

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Noviembre, 2010
El Salvador
Costa Rica
América central

Los SAF son un conjunto de tecnologías de manejo de suelo, agua, nutrientes y cultivos agrícolas y forestales que bajo un manejo integrado proporcionan importantes beneficios ambientales, productivos y socioeconómicos.

Conflict Over Forests and Land in Asia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Agosto, 2010
South-Eastern Asia

Violent conflict affects three quarters of Asia’s forests and tens of millions of people. In Cambodia, for example, nearly half of the 236 land conflicts recorded in 2009 escalated to violence. Because forest conflict is such a major issue in the region, we need a better understanding of the underlying causes, impacts, and management solutions.

CBNA Report-Indonesia

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
Junio, 2010

In this report the results of an independent assessment of the needs for capacity building for the development of community forestry in Indonesia, are presented. Needs were assessed at the level of the institutional context of community forestry development, key organizations and individuals.

REDD-Net COP 15 Briefing

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2009
South-Eastern Asia

Thousands came together in "Hopenhagen" from 7-18 December 2009 for what was the most covered and talked about of any United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNF CCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) to date. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD-plus)1 was one of few issues on which progress was made.

Agroenvironmental transformation in the Sahel

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
Diciembre, 2009
África occidental
África subsahariana
Burkina Faso

A farmer-managed, agroenvironmental transformation has occurred over the past three decades in the West African Sahel, enabling both land rehabilitation and agricultural intensification to support a dense and growing population. This paper traces the technical and institutional innovations, their impacts, and lessons learned from two successful examples.