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Income is not enough: the effect of economic incentives on forest product conservation: a comparison of forest communities dependent on the agroforests of Krui, Sumatra and natural dipterocarp forests of Kayan Mentarang, East Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

Data from damar agroforest and hill dipterocarp forest sites suggest that income alone is inadequate for explaining why people conserve a non-timber forest product. The explanatory value of several cash income-based indicators was tested and the results showed that these indicators provide only a partial explanation of people's conservation behaviour.

Ketergantungan masyarakat Dayak terhadap hutan di sekitar Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

In Indonesia, rapid deforestation is affecting local populations’ access to forest, yet little information is available about the impacts of deforestation on highly forest-dependent populations. To better understand these potential impacts, this document reports on economic and cultural uses of the forest for three villages in the Sub-District of Pujungan in East Kalimantan, using data from household suveys conducted in 1996.

Kriteria dan indikator kelestarian hutan yang dikelola oleh masyarakat (community managed forest)

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

Community managed forest systems embody a considerable portion of the wisdom, knowledge, and practical skills and management necessary for the sustainability of forest resources globally. These systems, however, are under threat in many ways, including from the rapid rate of change of their political, socio-economic, and biophysical contexts. Adapting forest management sufficiently quickly and effectively to meet these changes is both urgent and very challenging.

Learning to learn: research into adaptive and collaborative management of community forests

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

The author highlights conceptual, substantive and methodological aspects of participatory action research (PAR) into adaptive collaborative management (ACM) of community forest in some selected FUGs in the Hills of Nepal. Three main concepts of ACM identified as the core of research include: collaboration among stakeholders, conscious social learning and application of learning feedback to management. Ten specific elements have been recently innovated around the three broad areas of ACM, and the research team uses them as a basis to assess and facilitate action research at local level.

Mengantisipasi perubahan skenario sebagai sarana pengelolaan hutan secara adaptif: suatu panduan

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

Scenario methods can be used to anticipate the future and expand the creativity of people thinking about complex forest management situations. This manual describes the use of scenarios with multiple stakeholders, with examples drawn from community-based forest management. Four classes of scenario methods are described: visions, projections, pathways and alternative scenarios. Examples of rapid participatory techniques relevant to scenario methods are also summarised.

Pemetaan desa partisipatif dan penyelesaian konflik batas: studi kasus di desa-desa daerah aliran sungai Malinau, January s/d Juli 2000

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

CIFOR's ACM program has been carrying out participatory action research with local communities to devise models for forest management by multiple stakeholders. One of the early requests by communities has been for the mapping of their villages. This report describes the facilitation team's observations during the process of mapping these territories (villages along the Malinau river, Kalimantan, Indonesia). Central theme is the question what caused conflicts within and between villages and how were these handled and overcome by the communities.

Secondary forests in swidden agriculture inthe highlands of Thailand

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

Swidden farming is the main agent of conversion of primary forests to secondary forests in the highlands of mainland Southeast Asia, but there is a deterioration and decline of the practice with land use intensification. The population growth in northern Thailand has forced lowland farmers practising permanent wet rice cultivation to turn to short rotation swidden in the foot hill zone. Highland swidden agriculturists are adopting more intensive forms of swidden or are shifting to permanent farming.

Secondary forests of the Himalaya with emphasis on the north-eastern hill region of India

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

Secondary forests form a major component of the forest types in the Central Himalayan region and in the north eastern hills of India. Deforestation in these areas is largely due to external pressures of timber extraction for industrial use. When large scale deforestation from outside the region is superimposed upon the demands of the local communities for food, fodder and fuelwood, the previously balanced use of forest resources, including the management of swidden fallow secondary forests, becomes impaired.

Social aspects of tropical forest management

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

This brief article begins with a summary of CIFOR's work on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management (C&I). It then discusses how CIFOR programs combined to form the program called Local People, Devolution and Adaptive Collaborative Management of Forests". It briefly describes the research approach and the research design underway in 9 countries.

Social learning in community forests

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

How can different interest groups engage together in learning processes that enable them to better manage community forests? In this volume, practitioners from eight countries document their experience with the aim of identifying how to characterize social learning, as well as how to improve upon current practice. Analysis of current approaches to facilitation and the circumstances or platforms of learning indicate the need for more attention to the different avenues and styles of learning and the potential benefits of using multiple avenues.

The effects of Indonesia's decentralisation on forests and estate crops: case study of Riau province, the original districts of Kampar and Indragiri Hulu

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

This study focuses on the impacts of decentralisation on forests and estate crops in the original districts of Kampar and Indragiri Hulu, located in Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. The research was conducted during 2000, preceding the beginnings of decentralisation in January 2001, with a brief follow-up to March of that year. It was important to chart attitudes to decentralisation at provincial level, as well as examine the deconcentration of the regional office of the Jakarta-based Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops.

The impacts of decentralisation on forests and forest-dependent communities in Malinau district, East Kalimantan

Journal Articles & Books
Diciembre, 2001

Malinau District, established through partition in 1999, is the largest district in East Kalimantan and contains some of its largest tracts of forest. With decentralization, the district has sought to generate revenues from its forests, but these efforts have been handicapped by a concurrent lack of institutional capacities to manage rapid forest exploitation and conflicts over claims. Timber extraction and utilization permits (Izin Pemungutan dan Pemanfaatan Kayu or IPPK) have been the main instrument for revenue generation, with 39 IPPK covering 56,000 ha.